CuteCom 0.22.0

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at
Sat Jun 27 14:40:34 CEST 2009

Name: CuteCom
Version: 0.22.0
Type: KDE Hardware Utility
Depend: Qt 4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 CuteCom is a graphical serial terminal, like
minicom. It works under Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS
It is aimed mainly at hardware developers or other
people who need a terminal to talk to their
devices. It is free software and distributed under
the GNU General Public License Version 2, which
can find in the file COPYING.
Cutecom was initially inspired by Bray++ for
Version 0.20.0 requires Qt 4.1.

 0.22.0, June 27th, 2009
-CuteCom now also works on Mac OS X, patch by
Oliver Klauke
-support for more baudrates
-install man page to /share/man/man1 instead to
/man/man1 (seems to be more standard conform)
-require Qt >= 4.1.0 (0.21.0 required 4.3)

0.21.0, May 11th, 2009
-disconnect from the device if it disappears, e.g.
from USB, patch by Bjoern Spruck
-less Qt3Support usage

0.20.0, Mar 12th, 2008
-port of CuteCom 0.14.2 to Qt4, otherwise the same

0.14.2, Jan 26th, 2007
-support for the 1k xmodem protocol, patch by
-a cutecom man page, patch from Roman I Khimov
-there is now a cvs repository for CuteCom:

0.14.1, November 22nd, 2006
-add patch by Bernhard Schiffner which flushes the
serial port when opening
-CuteCom can now be built either with qmake or
with CMake

0.14.0, July 16th, 2006
-often requested feature: log to file

0.13.2, Jun 9th, 2005
-minor update: better default layout and higher
Ctrl-C repeatition rate

0.13.1, Feb 2nd, 2005
-use the character delay also for sending files i
"Plain" mode
-added CR line end mode

0.13.0, Jan 29th, 2005
-hex output mode
-configurable line end characters
-hex input mode
-configurable character delay time

0.12.0, Nov 09th, 2004
-major performance improvement of the output view
-increased repetition rate for Ctrl-C

0.11.0, Oct 13th, 2004
-NEW FEATURE: receive Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Q and Ctrl+S
key presses and send them 
 over the serial line
-added shortcut keys to some buttons
-increased history from 20 to 50 lines

-BUGFIX: use the correct port settings for x/y/z
modem transfer
-BUGFIX: division by zero crash
-removed negative logic for "Apply settings"
-output view: removed tooltip and now it's always

-added checkbox "Dont apply settings when opening"
- if checked, the selected settings won't be
applied to the terminal device, useful e.g. when
another program is running and already working
with this device (e.g. gdb)
-fixed read-only opening of the device file

-first release considered stable
-NEW FEATURE: add checkboxes to select whether to
open the device read/write, read-only, write-only
(useful for remote serial debugging with gdb)

-cutecom should be usable for real work now, next
version will not be labeled beta anymore
-BUGFIX: make the output view really actually work
as expected
-make xmodem, ymodem and zmodem transfers actually
work (now at the same speed as minicom)
-removed the "Exec file" button and added a
"Script" protocol to "Send file"
  -> it will be interpreted line by line,
everything after a "#" will be ignored
-improved focus and history handling
-the file dialog now remembers the dir where it
was closed the last time

-BUGFIX: make the output view actually work again
as expected

-save the last 20 history entries
-only add a history entry if it differs from the
previous one
-maximum line count of the output view is 1000
-maximum history line count is 50
-send an empty string (\n) when pressing enter and
the input is empty

-device selection combobox is now editable
-added some tooltips
-corrected the download link to 0.0.5

Praktikant m/w Programmierung/Marketing/IT - - trainee
Junior Software Engineer in Stuttgart (w/m) -
softSCIENCE GmbH - vollzeit

more jobs:

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