Soprano 2.3.0 released

Sebastian Trüg trueg at
Wed Jul 15 17:04:53 CEST 2009

I am proud to announce the release of Soprano 2.3.0 which marks the next step 
in RDF storage, parsing, and serialization on the desktop. Soprano 2.3.0 is 
intended to accompany the upcoming release of KDE 4.3.

Although crucial features like the Virtuoso backend and transaction support 
are not deemed stable yet Soprano 2.3.0 brings a large set of interesting and 
powerful new features:

* The new LanguageTag class replaces the old simple string based language
  handling with a sophisticated one implementing RFC 4647. At the same time
  Soprano now directly supports plain literals in addition to typed string
  literals via LiteralValue::createPlainLiteral. (thanks to Greg Beauchesne
  for the patch)
  CAUTION: This patch changes behaviour: parsers and storage backends will now
  return plain literals instead of typed string literals!
* New static methods Node::resourceToN3, Node::literalToN3, and
  Node::blankToN3 for easy N3 formatting without the creation of a Node
* Fixed both Node::matches and Statement::matches: only the paramter is
  treated as a wildcard. 
* New class Graph which is a simple QSet based container for statements as a
  quick replacement for Model in case one wants to handle a small number of
  statements without query support.
* Fixed plugin loading on windows.
* Fixed a deadlock in the IndexFilterModel which was triggered in case a query
  could not be parsed.
* Prevent Model::removeContext to remove empty contexts, i.e. the whole
* Statement::operator<<(QTextStream) now uses a simpler format (only spaces
  between nodes and no brackets) 
* Updated Sesame2 to 2.2.4.
* Added prefix handling to the Serializer API. For a future Soprano version
  the Serializer API has to be replaced with something more powerful. 
* Improved inference rule handling in the rule parser. (Thanks to Michele
* Several improvements in sopranocmd: 
  - New paramter --file which allows to execute commands on files directly 
    without creating a database on disk.
  - Standard namespace prefixes rdf, rdfs, xsd, nrl, and nao are now added to
    SPARQL queries automatically if used. This makes writing test queries much
  - SPARQL construct and describe query results can now be serialized in all
    supported formats.
  - New parameter --index which allows to wrap an IndexFilterModel around the
    actual Model.
  - New command monitor which allows to monitor a remote repository for
   statementAdded and statementRemoved signals.

The Soprano 2.3.0 source can be retrieved from the Sourceforge Soprano 
download page[1]. Go forth and build packages for your distributions.

Sebastian Trueg
(Soprano Maintainer)


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