Spyrit MUSH/MUCK client 0.3

Sundance Greydragon sundance at ierne.eu.org
Tue Jan 13 20:45:01 CET 2009

Name: Spyrit MUSH/MUCK client
Version: 0.3
Type: KDE Other Game
Depend: PyKDE/PyQt
License: GPL
Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/spyrit/
More Info:

 Spyrit is a MUSH/MUCK client written in Python
using the Qt toolkit. It aims to be a pleasant,
extensible, polished product, and to support all
three major platforms.

This is a beta version, and you will probably not
find it feature complete yet, but it should still
provide a pleasant, robust textual roleplaying

In order to run this software, you will need
Python 2.4 or later; Qt 4.2 or later; and the
PyQt4 bindings, with sip 4.5. Simply extract the
archive where convenient and run 'spyrit.py'.

The software has not yet been tested on Mac OS X,
but should work there so long as the dependencies
listed above are met. It does work nicely on

 - Taskbar notification on activity;
 - Preliminary support for commands such as /quit,
/connect, /conf_set, and /help.
 - Saving of recent input history between
 - Split-screen on scrollback;
 - Full Unicode support;
 - New icons;
 - Improved tabbing;
 - Plus countless other small bug fixes and

 - SSL connections where supported;
 - ANSI parsing and formatting;
 - Telnet codes parsing;
 - Unlimited input history;
 - Plus various minor improvements and speedups.

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