KdeSudo 3.3.2/2.6

Anthony Mercatante anthony.mercatante at laposte.net
Fri Feb 27 17:10:39 CET 2009

Name: KdeSudo
Version: 3.3.2/2.6
Type: KDE System Tool
Depend: KDE 4.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://www.launchpad.net/kdesudo
More Info:

 KdeSudo is a sudo frontend for KDE originaly
developed by Robert Gruber, and now maintained by
Kubuntu developers.
 KDE's normal KdeSu doesn't deal correctly with
sudo, and is only capable of authentication.
 It doesn't deal with sudo specific features like
NOPASSWD and so on.
 KdeSudo acts like a wrapper for sudo commands,
and therefore, supports all "sudoers" file
 It is command line compatible with KdeSu, and can
replace it simply with linking /usr/bin/kdesu to
/usr/bin/kdesudo (KDE3 version) or
${kde4_path}/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu to

 Please report bugs to Launchpad:

 KDE4 version :
KdeSudo 3.3.1
* POT file added for translation

KdeSudo 3.3
* Fixes LP bugs #272427, #268092, #267311, #267501

KdeSudo 3.2
* Merged changes with 2.x branch

KdeSudo 3.1
* Fixed icon/name checking when starting an
application by its full
* Fixed icon/name checking when using
* Deals correctly with antislashed quotes:
  - Closes Launchpad #187053

KdeSudo 3.0
* Initial port to kde4

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