Social Networks Visualiser 0.50

Dimitris Kalamaras dimitris.kalamaras at
Fri Feb 13 16:37:07 CET 2009

Name: Social Networks Visualiser
Version: 0.50
Type: KDE Scientific
Depend: Qt 4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 SocNetV is a cross-platform, user-friendly,
graphical application for Social Networks Analysis
and Visualisation, developed in Qt4.

With it you can draw social networks (graphs) or
load existing ones (GraphML, Pajek, Sociomatrix or
dot-formatted). It computes network properties,
centralities and implements static and dynamic
layout algorithms.

SocNetV is licensed under the GNU Public License
version 3 (GPL3).

Caution: from v.0.45 and onwards, SocNetV needs
QtWebKit to compile. In other words, you cannot
compile 0.45 on distros with older version of Qt
(i.e. Ubuntu Hardy).

Project page:

 Version 0.50 - Feb 10 2009
-'Small World' random network creation (Watts and
Strogatz model).
-Clustering Coefficient calculation. 
-Average Graph Distance (shortest path length)
-Nodes can be linked to themselves with nice
bezier curves.
-Negative and decimal edge weights are now fully
-Dashed lines are nicely used to signify negative
edge weights. 
-Export current network to PDF with one click.
-Number and label colors are editable.
-Fixed number and label font size problem.
-Fixed PNG and BMP export regression.
-Fixed Printing regression. Printing is OK now. 
-New program logo and icon.
-Icon for Windows executable.
-Code cleanup (no more compile warnings) and minor
memory optimisations.
-User messages/warnings and menu icons update.

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