Qwit 1.0-alpha

Artem Iglikov artem.iglikov at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 08:48:22 CEST 2009

Name: Qwit
Version: 1.0-alpha
Type: KDE Chat Application
Depend: Qt 4.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/qwit/
More Info:

 The latest version of Qwit is 1.0-alpha (formely
known as qwit-ng). It uses different config file
and cache directory, so you can delete old ones if
you want (usually they are ~/config/arti/qwit.conf
and ~/.qwit). Though it is alpha, it is a pretty
stable alpha :) and has all features of Qwit-0.9
and much more.

This project was started with the purpose of
studying Qt4 programming. It could be useful, for
example, for KDE users, who need a natively
looking client for their systems. And of course it
works in Gnome, Windows and every system that is
supported by Qt. 

Latest version features: 
- depends on Qt4 only; 
- KDE native look; 
- http-proxy support; 
- userpics caching; 
- clickable links in messages; 
- public, replies, custom user timelines, search; 
- caching messages between sessions; 
replies, retweets and direct messages support; 
- customizable interface; 
- twitpic support; 
- customizable automatic update of all tabs; 
- url shorteners support; 
- multiple accounts support; 
- identi.ca and other twitter-compatible services
support (not tested as much as needed).

Official Qwit microblog, where all major (and some
minor) changes will be posted:

Praktikant Programmierung/Marketing
openDesktop.org - h i v e 01 gmbh - trainee
Trainee Software Entwicklung openDesktop.org - h i
v e 01 gmbh - trainee

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