Ultimate Lyrics 1.1

Vladimir Brkic vladimir_brkic at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 1 00:47:15 CEST 2009

Name: Ultimate Lyrics
Version: 1.1
Type: Amarok 2.0 Script
License: GPL
More Info:

 A configurable script that fetch lyrics from
various sites.

- Multiple site search (reload button can change
site source)
- Arrange sites by priority
- File cache (with expire period)
- Configuration gui (cache, display mode,
- 2 Display modes: rich text, plain text

Some ideas (codes) are taken from Glyrics,
LyricWiki and Lyrix.

Supported web servers:
- lyricwiki.org
- lyricstime.com
- lyricsreg.com
- seeklyrics.com
- mp3lyrics.org
- jamendo.com
- azlyrics.com
- songlyrics.com
- elyrics.net
- lyricsdownload.com
- lyrics.com
- lyriki.com
- lyricsmode.com
- lyricsfreak.com (only display)
- sing365.com (only display)
- google.com (search suggestions)
- universal site display

Known bugs:
- In Amarok 2.0.2 configuration gui doesn't work.
  If Amarok crash (not likely) use this command to
overcome crashing: rm
  Defaults settings can be changed with: gedit
  If amarok still crash (unknown case) use this
command to remove script: rm -rf
- In Amarok 2.1.x when a song is played again
Amarok calls a function connected to
Amarok.Lyrics.fetchLyrics twice, which results in
skipping firstly matched site in rotating mode.

- It's suggested to turn off other lyric scripts
like default lyricswiki
- File cache can use "a lot of" hd space. Tens
(maybe hundreds) of MB. To escape using too much
space clear cache occasionally, or do not enable
caching for every site.
- Serially web sites change themselves, which can
cause the script stops working for that site.
  Script adaptations are required when a site
changes its "template".

 * 1.1 (2009-8-1)
  - Improved url search (better reaping)
  - Improved displaying (escapes some encoded
  - Automatically clears cache on start up
  - Test version of auto exporting
* 1.0 (2009-7-24)
  - first official release

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