Social Networks Visualiser 0.48

Dimitris Kalamaras dimitris.kalamaras at
Tue Sep 30 14:07:22 CEST 2008

Name: Social Networks Visualiser
Version: 0.48
Type: KDE Scientific
Depend: KDE 4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 Social Networks Visualiser (SocNetV) is an Social
Networks Analysis tool for Linux, Mac and Windows.

With it you can draw networks (graphs) or load
existing ones (GraphML, Pajek, Sociomatrix or
dot-formatted). It computes network properties,
centralities and implements static and dynamic
layout algorithms.

SocNetV is being developed in Qt4, and is licensed
under the GNU Public Licence version 3 (GPL3).

Caution: from v.0.45 and onwards, SovNetV needs
QtWebKit to compile. In other words, you cannot
compile 0.45 on distros with older version of Qt
(i.e. Ubuntu Hardy).


 Version 0.48 - Sep 28 2008
--Erdos-Renyi random network creation.
--Removing symmetric edges, now asks what
direction to remove.
--New layout method: node sizes according to their
--No node limit. Load any network you want (make a
coffee while waiting :)).
--loadPajek() recognizes Arcslists and Matrix
edges formats.
--Edges are being drawed once (faster loading and
node movement).
--Graph API simplification and "standardization"
--New LCD widget displaying network density and
some improvements to the dock.
--In-file declared  node colors and shapes are
used as they should.
--Fixed bugs in removeNode methods.
--Lots of bugfixes in loadPajek() method. 
--Documentation update
--Progress Bars (F10) appear when creating random
nets > 300 nodes.
--RPM repository for openSUSE at
--SocNetV has a new, modern logo. It still
resembles a snail though. ;)

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