netgo_ng 0.2.0
Joerg Zopes
joerg.zopes at
Sun Oct 26 15:59:30 CET 2008
Name: netgo_ng
Version: 0.2.0
Type: KDE Networking Tool
Depend: KDE 3.5.x
License: GPL
More Info:
Inspired by netgo. NG stands for "next
A Qt based gui for wire-bound and wireless
network. A tool for traveling users who have to
set up there laptop to different network
I have uploaded the blank language file. Maybe
someone likes to translate the application to
another language ...
A courtesy by Harry Auschner I can now provide a
package for Debian.
Created with Debian (Version 0.2.0)(Thanks Harry -
once more - thank you)
0.2.0 When changing from a WPA encrypted Network
to an Ad-Hoc network without encryption the
wpa_supplicant was still active. Fix this and did
some changes to the wifi-setup as well.
0.1.9 I found an error in the root-check routine.
When the program was invoked as normal user the
program calls kdesu to restart the program as
root. But by doing so all the commandline options
got lost. I fixed the problem and now even invoked
as normal user the commandline options are passed
over to kdesu.
0.1.8 The switch --start "profilename" was added.
When invoked with this parameter the application
starts automaticaly this network profile. Some
minor improvements are made to the wifi setup.
0.1.7 Now you can invoke the application with
--disablerootcheck to disable check for root
privilegs (but root privilegs are still needed),
--disabletrayicon (for distros who no longer use
kicker). The application runs without a tray icon.
Debian Package is also available now (thanks to
Harry Auscher)
0.1.6 Made some changes to the wireless setup
(e.g. added mode for no encryption) - (edit) The
Debian Version is also now available - Thanks
0.1.5 Changes made to the wireless configuration.
Made some minor bug-fixes. The language files now
part of the project and will now be installed by
the installer (source and rpm). I am still looking
for someone to translate the language file to
other languages. :-)
0.1.4 Some minor bug-fixes and implementation for
multi language support. A german translation File
is provided. Copy the file to
/root/.netgo_ng/translations for german language.
0.1.3 Add a System tray icon. Now you can shut
down all not used interfaces.
0.1.1 Fixed a problem with the dhcp configuration
and added pre-start and post-start script support.
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