ktikz - Editor for the TikZ language 0.7

Florian Hackenberger f.hackenberger at chello.at
Sat Nov 15 17:14:32 CET 2008

Name: ktikz - Editor for the TikZ language
Version: 0.7
Type: KDE Graphic Editor
License: GPL
More Info:

 Version 0.7 is released! It is available as a
Debian package for Ubuntu Hardy. 

Please post wishes and bug reports below or even
better, send them via email.

KtikZ is a small application helping you to create
TikZ (from the LaTeX pgf package) diagrams for
your publications. It requires qt4, libpoppler,
LaTeX (pdflatex), the LaTeX preview-latex-style
package [1] and pgf itself [2]. For the eps export
functionality you also need the poppler-utils

Please visit the project website for more

 Version 0.7 (2008-08-26):
- disable previous image button if the first image
is shown, disable
next image button if the last image is shown
- the first time that the End button is pressed
the cursor is moved to
the end of the line (on screen), the second time
the cursor is moved
to the end of the block (end of the line in the
- don’t run latex on startup when no document is
loaded from the command
- adjust size of the viewport in which the preview
is displayed when new
items are added to the tikz picture
- added completion of the tikz commands
- the tikz commands are now loaded from an XML
- corrected the size of the colored background
around the highlighted
- remove bug in ConfigDialog::selectFont()
(replace “if (&ok)” by “if (ok)”)
- the command “New” in the “File” menu now
opens a new empty window,
the commands “Open” and “Open Recent” open
the selected file in a new
window, a “Close” command is added which
empties the current window
- the (empty) document is not typesetted anymore
when the “Close” command
(which has the same behavior as the old “New”
command) is executed
- add the directory in which the template file is
located to the
$TEXINPUTS environment variable (useful if the
template \inputs other
- layout changes in the configuration dialog

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