cpdu 0.3.31b

Richard IWontTell renci at gmx.co.uk
Sat Nov 15 00:58:45 CET 2008

Name: cpdu
Version: 0.3.31b
Type: KDE Security
License: GPL
More Info:

Cryptographic Data Utility
Cryptographic Package Distribution Utility
is a secure command line file encryption tool that
allows for archiving encrypted files
with secure memory allocation, zlib compression
and base encoding
it currently supports three ciphers
aes/rijndael: 256 bit key, 128 block
twofish: 256 bit key, 128 block
blowfish: 448 bit key, 64 block
twofish is now used as the default cipher due to
speculation of the unsecurity of aes which has
been well talked about by experts but moreover
ignored due to the however highly tested product
of security within the auspice of its

it has more room for improvement and in the future
will allow transferring encrypted files over the
internet using a server and client implementation,
the tar file has bcp(brutal oopy) along with it so
you can use that for now to transfer encrypted
files however no public key implementation has
been added so there must be an high level key
transfer method.

added aes/rijndael cipher
minor feature enhancements
important bugfixes
major! bugfix with twofish being the non-default
cipher, perhaps a bug in program stack when
running, moreover an unknown error...the error
seemed to be random due to sometimes achieving
proper decryption and then not being able after
elonged peroid of use. im sure memory is being
allocated correctly but still, a weird
error...please forgive the bug :/
fixed the weird bug which was simply a key buffer
overrun in the twofish keysetup code. the password
routine did not allocate enough bytes to the
twofish key buffer space when small keys are used.
the point in not at the moment implementing small
key hashing is that however widely implemented
among some trivial encryption programs, the
security does not change for the key if the
hashing exists due to implementing the same
hashing on cracking it using a "hint" on how
trivial the entry may be. so the extraneous key
bytes are zeroized.

you may want to use long keys to achieve high
security but in the next version more options will
come, as such:

a file recovery database for non recoverable
situations when encrypting files
an option for non-overwriting of the original file
as in twofish-0.6
more ciphers such as cast, serpent, and tripledes
session support for variable size randomly
generated keyfiles from the unix random device

i am taking a primitive approach to uploading
updates so to help educate beginner programmers
who would like to learn about programming in
general and the fun subject of file encryption,
security and compression.

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