Kdenlive Builder Wizard 0.7.0

Mads Dydensborg mads at dydensborg.dk
Tue Nov 11 23:04:27 CET 2008

Name: Kdenlive Builder Wizard
Version: 0.7.0
Type: KDE Kommander Script
Depend: Kommander
License: GPL
More Info:

 [b]Kdenlive Builder Wizard[/b] is a Kommander
script that builds the
development version of the [b]Kdenlive Non-Linear
Video Editor[/b].

[b]Release notes for version 0.7.0[/b]

Much work has been put into this release, which is
ready for the
0.7.0 release of Kdenlive. 

Related to this, the wizard no longer supports
building Kdenlive for
KDE 3 - but it is still possibly to run both the
wizard and the
resulting Kdenlive for KDE 4 under KDE 3, Gnome or
other desktop
environments, if the neccesary KDE 4 libs have
been installed on the

To ensure an even higher degree of success, checks
has been added for
even more of the dependencies. The QImage module
is now required and
post-install check for unintended linking against
the Qt3 version of
QImage has been added. Information about missing
optional or required
MLT modules are now presented to the user
directly, instead of only in
the log file. The user can no longer try to
install onto a (v)fat
filesystem, as this will fail the building of

To speed up "update builds", cleaning out source
dirs prior to updates
has been made optional. To improve usability, it
is now possibly to go
back and change the settings, following both a
successful and a failed

The startup script now has improved help, as well
as command line
options to start directly in debug or normal mode.

Of more minor stuff, the logging has been improved
slightly and the
contents of the source package been expanded.

All users are encouraged to upgrade and become
"Kdenlive 0.7.0 ready".

[b]Outstanding issues[/b]

Apart from the known limitations, the wizard
currently is only known
to run under the KDE3 version of Kommander. At
least one distribution
(Mandriva 2009) installs the KDE4 version of
Kommander by default. The
wizard does not appear to work with this version.
So, you need to use
the KDE3 version of Kommander to use this wizard.
The KDE3 version of
Kommander should work under both KDE3 and KDE4
however, so you can
still build Kdenlive for KDE4 while running and
using KDE3, but if you
have only KDE4 libs on your system, you will have
to install the KDE3
version of Kommander to use the wizard.

[b]About the wizard[/b]

This Kommander script is meant to help you get the
development (SVN)
version of kdenlive (A non-linear video editor for
KDE, homepage at
[url]http://www.kdenlive.org/[/url]), and build

A lot is happening with Kdenlive, but stable
releases can be far in
between - therefore the motivation for building
from the development

Building kdenlive from the development versions
can be a bit of a
hassle, as it also depends on development versions
of ffmpeg, mlt and
mlt++. This wizard removes a lot of the hassle.

Simply answer a few questions, click a few
buttons, press "Go", and it
will retrieve or update your sources, configure,
compile, and install

If everything goes well, you will soon have a
working version of the
kdenlive development version. If it fails, you
will get access to a
full log of the commands run, and can try to fix
the problem (missing
libs, most likely, but sometimes the developers
also check stuff into
svn that just don't compile), before restarting
the wizard.

This has been tested for KDE3 on Kubuntu 7.10,
using Kommander 1.2.2,
for KDE4 on Kubuntu 8.04 using KDE 4.1.2, and on
Kubuntu 8.10 using
KDE 4.1.2. Several people have reported succes
using it, and it has
been known to work for SUSE, Alt Linux and

Please send bugreports to my email (included in
the about box, make
[b]sure[/b] to include the log from the wizard).
Feel free to send a
success report too - or click "good" on the
homepage, if you like it.


[li] Very easy to use Wizard interface, with
extensive help, tooltips and "What's this" used
[li] Get or update all needed sources, optionally
to specific versions[/li]
[li] Stores "last-known-good" revision numbers for
packages, updated following success[/li]
[li] Support building for KDE4 (from the kdenlive
KDE4 branch)[/li]
[li] Stores settings between uses[/li]
[li] Checks for presence of many needed tools
(svn, cmake, c++, pkg-config and some others)[/li]
[li] Checks for the presence of many needed
packages "up front"[/li]
[li] Uses the http versions of the sourceforge
repos, to avoid certificate "problems".[/li]
[li] Adjust the make -j parameter after the number
of cores[/li]
[li] Explicit option for root install[/li]
[li] Allow for automatic install into datestamped
[li] Creates startup script for the custom
installed kdenlive, that supports gdb logging and
version information[/li]
[li] Easy to follow feedback during
get/configure/install, through progressbar and
[li] Full log of all actions, inclusive settings
available directly from the wizard (for e.g. bug
[li] Hands free during operations: collects
options initially (and, if needed, sudo password),
then either run to it completes or fails.[/li]
[li] Source package contains command line
(non-GUI) program to do
automatic update builds.[/li]

[b]Known limitations[/b]

[li]There is a known problem with sox on kubuntu -
check the disclaimer button[/li]
[li]This wizard can not handle svn through an http
proxy - check the disclaimer button[/li]
[li]The wizard is currently only known to work
with the KDE3 version of Kommander.[/li]

[b]Platform specific hints[/b]

It is the intention that this wizard should work
with most Linux
distributions. Here are some hints:


A mini-howto has been added to the Ubuntu wiki at

[b]Kubuntu 8.10[/b]:

Issue the following commands:

1) sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade 

2) on a single line: sudo apt-get install gettext
kommander gawk
x11proto-core-dev libxau-dev libxdmcp-dev
libxext-dev libxi-dev x11proto-input-dev
x11proto-kb-dev xtrans-dev
libpthread-stubs0 libpthread-stubs0-dev
libxcb1-dev libxcb-xlib0-dev
libx11-dev mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev
libglu1-mesa-dev libice-dev
libsm-dev x11proto-render-dev libxfixes-dev
libexpat1-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev
libfontconfig1-dev libxft-dev
x11proto-xinerama-dev libxinerama-dev
libxmu-headers x11proto-randr-dev libxrandr-dev
x11proto-record-dev libxtst-dev cmake cvs
libstdc++6-4.3-dev g++-4.3
g++ libxmu-dev liblcms1-dev libjpeg62-dev
libmng-dev libpng12-dev
xlibmesa-gl-dev libglu1-xorg-dev libaudio-dev
libssl-dev libkadm55
comerr-dev libkrb5-dev libpq-dev libglib2.0-dev
libsqlite0-dev libqt4-dev libsoprano-dev automoc
libasound2-dev libgpg-error-dev libgcrypt11-dev
libgnutls-dev libcups2-dev libdbus-1-dev
libstreams-dev libstreamanalyzer-dev libxml2-dev
libxslt1-dev libgif-dev libavahi-common-dev
libbz2-dev libenchant-dev
libattr1-dev libacl1-dev libjasper-dev
libilmbase-dev libopenexr-dev
libpcrecpp0 libpcre3-dev libtiffxx0c2 libtiff4-dev
hspell xsltproc
kdesdk-scripts kdelibs5-dev libslang2-dev
libncurses5-dev libaa1-dev
libapr1 libaprutil1 libartsc0-dev libaudiofile-dev
libcaca-dev libdirectfb-extra libsysfs-dev
libdirectfb-dev libesd0-dev
libneon27-gnutls libqt4-opengl-dev libsdl1.2-dev
libsvn1 subversion
libglib1.2ldbl libgtk1.2-common libgtk1.2
libavc1394-0 libiec61883-0
libfreebob0 libjack0 libsndfile1 jackd ladspa-sdk
libavutil49 libgsm1
libavcodec51 libdv4 libfaad0 libjack-dev libmad0
libogg-dev libpopt-dev libqt4-gui libswscale0
libsamplerate0-dev libvorbis-devqjackctl dvgrab
libdv-bin libdv4-dev
libfaac0 libfaac-dev libfaad-dev libmp3lame0

3) run 'kmdr-executor
85826-kdenlive_builder_wizard.kmdr', follow the
instructions on-screen. Press "Cancel" after
succes, press "open
folder", click "kdenlive_start" and you are in

[b]Older Kubuntu[/b]
Kubuntu users can use the instructions for Ubuntu,
or the instructions
below, that get a baseline build going on Kubuntu
8.04 with KDE4.1:

1) install Kubuntu 8.04 (you may be past this :-)
2) sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade
3) follow instructions at
http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 to get kde 4.1
4) sudo apt-get install kommander subversion g++
cmake pkg-config kdelibs5-dev libsdl1.2-dev
 (This potentially add many packages to the
5) log out, log in using kde 4.1 OR alternatively,
use 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/kde4/bin'
6) run 'kmdr-executor
85826-kdenlive_builder_wizard.kmdr', follow the
instructions on-screen. Press "Cancel" after
succes, press "open folder", click
"kdenlive_start" and you are in bussiness.

Note, that this compiles mlt without the modules
dv, frei0r, gtk2,
jackrack, qimage, resample, sox, and vorbis. The
logfile does contain
instructions on getting support for these modules,
but the above is a
working baseline. Search for MLTDISABLED in the
log file for more
information. You basically just need to apt-get
install some more
packages to get support from the remaining

sudo apt-get install sox-dev libjack-dev
libgtk2.0-dev libdv4-dev libvorbis-dev

Note, that there still may be problems with sox
support - but it may
work for you. Depends, I guess.

To enable fri0r modules, visit


For Mandriva, you need to urpmi the following

subversion cmake task-c-devel task-c++-devel
qt4-devel libSDL-devel
kdelibs4-devel gettext sox-devel libdv-dev
jack-devel ladspa-devel

You also need to install and use the Kommander for
KDE 3 version when
running this script.


I had a success report from a Suse user, but no
list of packages to install.


There has been some complaints that ark for KDE4
has a hard time extracting the bz2 files, when
they are not 'tarred'. If you have problems, try 

[quote]bzip2 -d

in a konsole after download, then run it.

 - Do not try to create a startup script, when
only downloading 
 - kdenlive_start, add --gdb/-g option and
--normal/-n option
 - Do cpu detection with less overhead (from
Morten Bøgeskov)
 - Pipe output from kill commands into /dev/null
 - Post install check for qimage link against qt3.
 - Show warning about non-compiled mlt modules.
 - Require qimage to work.
 - Add reference to mail adress upon fail
 - drop support for building Kdenlive for KDE 3
 - add kconfig_compiler to list of bins to check
 - add pkgconfig check for soprano
 - make the "make clean" step when updating
sources optional.
 - Add kbw-action.sh &
kdenlive_builder_wizard.kmdr to sources
 - Add README, KDE-APPS.txt and Changelog file to
 - Add check that not vfat filesystem for sources
 - Back button also on cancel/error.

 - Fix some kdesudo not supporting --comment.
 - Pass --enable-libvorbis to ffmpeg configure
when theora is selected
 - Enable x11grab by default
 - Output version of KBW to kdenlive_start gdb log

 - Important bug fix re MLT install: now supports
kdenlive's --mlt-path
 - Added auto-updating of non-newest revision
numbers upon succesfull compile
 - Fixed argument passing to kdenlive_start
 - Disable "Advanced" button when only downloading
 - Do not show how to start kdenlive, if only
 - Fix "visit url for update" under KDE4
 - Support newest ffmpeg svn option set
 - Fixed aac support
 - Added support for x11grab
 - Added several package checks
 - kdenlive_start script now mandatory
 - New image from Cinephiliac
 - Added support for passing qimage dirs to mlt
 - Added bt command to gdb in kdenlive_start
before thread apply
 - use kdesu if kdesudo not available
 - no longer requires tempfile, uses mktemp
 - should work with OpenSuse 11 now
 - various minor bugfixes
 - Can now get specific versions of the sources. 
 - Added --version option to kdenlive_start. 
 - Added kdenlive_env script. 
 - Fixed x86-64 test. 
 - Disabled network support on ffmpeg. 
 - Added checkboxes for sox and qimage support in
 - Added button to check source updates. 
 - Removed dependency on kate/kwrite. 
 - Minor interface changes.
 - Support building for KDE4 from KDE4 trunk of
 - Check for new version of wizard
 - Abort long running process
 - Improved startup script - option for gdb
 - Check for common mlt problems
 - Lots of minor stuff
 First public version.

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