skrooge 0.1.0

Guillaume DE BURE guillaume.debure at
Sun Nov 2 22:19:28 CET 2008

Name: skrooge
Version: 0.1.0
Type: KDE Financial
Depend: KDE 4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 Skrooge is a personal finances manager for KDE4,
aiming at being simple and intuitive. As of this
version (0.1.0), it is capable of performing very
simple tasks (creating accounts, creating
operations), but still lacks many features.

* QIF import/export
* CSV import/export
* Basic graphs
* Several tabs to help you organize your work
* Infinite undo/redo (even after the file was
closed !)
* Instant filtering on operations
* Infinite levels of categories

This list can be as long as you want it to be...
:-) However, here is a brief list of what we
(skrooge developpers) think are the most annoying
limitations :
* Cannot delete or rename categories
* Poor management for splitted categories
* No support for recurring operations
* Very poor internationalization support : even
though skrooge uses your locale settings for
currency, you may notice that we included only
information for french banks... This may give you
a hint on the origins of skrooge developpers ;-)
* [Add your feature here...]

* There is a known sqlite bug in Ubuntu 8.10 which
might cause skrooge to credit all accounts at 0...
This doesn\'t necessarily means you\'re broke,
it\'s *just* a bug !

Ubuntu users may need to run the following
commands for skrooge to work properly :
sudo ln -s
sudo ln -s
sudo ln -s

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