QTGZManager Beta4
Alexandre Arnt
aaarnt at gmail.com
Sat Nov 1 19:30:17 CET 2008
Name: QTGZManager
Version: Beta4
Type: KDE System Tool
Depend: Qt 4.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://jtgzmanager.sf.net
More Info:
QTGZManager is a TGZ package management
application that uses standard pkgtools (present
in any Slackware based system) to manage the
software in the OS. It provides an easy to use
four pane view (directories, packages in the
selected dir, installed packages in the system and
package actions), drag and drop and context menus
support. It also uses kdesu to ask your root
credential when needed.
Built with *QT4.4.x*, GCC and Kdevelop 3.5.1.
Beta3.1 -> Beta4
**Beta4 NEEDS Qt 4.4.x installed!
- Filter packages in the selected directory with
hit/miss color feedback
- Ctrl + and Ctrl - respectively increases and
decreases the font size of package lists
- Selected directory's name is shown on the top of
the first pane
- Reworked About box
- More view arrangements through four view buttons
- Open konsole (F4) to work on the selected
- New Directory TreeView, based on
QFileSystemModel (a new and very fast threaded
model from Qt 4.4.x which is also inotify aware)
- Package information is showed as a tooltip when
the mouse is over the package lists
- The "Find a file" search is now handled in
another thread which means it can be stopped and
no more freezes the GUI
- Take a snapshot of your installed package list
for future diffs or whatever you want to
Beta3 -> Beta3.1
Important bug fixes.
Beta2r2 -> Beta3
Thanks to the community support, here comes a
delayed but very consistent new version of
QTGZManager. Enjoy!
- Many bug fixes and interesting new features.
Visit the website for detailed information.
AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH: Andrea Sciucca and
Manfred Mueller for your feedback and work with
the translation files.
Beta2 -> Beta2r2
- Add Italian translation - THANKS to Andrea
Sciucca (www.slacky.eu)
- Add German translation - THANKS to Manfred
Mueller (www.live-modules.org)
Beta1r2 -> Beta2
- Linked against QT 4.2.3
- Fix package recognition algorithm
- Add translation support (for now only pt_BR). To
use it, just "export LANG=pt_BR" in bash_profile
or alike.
- New option to view package information in the
context menu (the same as F8)
- Add package content view option
- Add diff between package contents option
- Fix output tab for the site url to work
- Add a button and context menu options to close
the current tab and all tabs
- Add new application icon, to make the
application more Slackware-like :-)
- Add option to navigate and select packages with
keyboard (and see the changes in the installed
packages view)
- Add a toolbar with some useful commands
(maximize lower view, hide installed packages
view, execute actions, refresh package lists and
Beta1 -> Beta1r2
- Add package reinstall option
- Fix package recognition algorithm
- Reworked About Dialog
- Fix context menus when more than one package
- Confirm exit when pending actions
- Add html output on "package action output"
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