Pink Poodle 0.1.1

Dennis Nikomanis multimaniac at
Sat May 17 12:54:18 CEST 2008

Name: Pink Poodle
Version: 0.1.1
Type: KDE File Sharing
License: GPL
More Info:

 Pink Poodle 0.1 \\\"Rapidshare Executor\\\"
(c)2008 Dennis Nikomanis
License GPL Version 2 or later

Pink Poodle \\\"Rapidshare Executer\\\" 
is a tool to manage recursive multifile/splitted
which contain videofiles from rapidshare or any
other downloadsite.

It unrars the selected archive, checks if it
further RAR-files and unpacks them as well.

If the archive contains a video, the file will be
renamed to a chosen filename and is then moved to
your primary videofolder.

If there are two or more videofiles in the archive
\\\"Pink Poodle\\\" creates a specified
moviefolder and places the files inside.
Optionally it deletes the unpacked archives, if
you don\\\'t need them anymore.

So you either have a single videofile in your
primary videofolder,
or if there is more than one file, have them moved
to a new moviefolder.
This makes it easy to keep track of your
downloaded videos,
manage them on an internal or external HDD and to
ditch your
dispensable files.

\\\"Pink Poodle\\\" has an deletion-routine and is
an early alpha,
so NEVER have important documents or files in the
or in the destinationfolder. This is serious.

Pink Poodle 0.1 is a test-version of the comming
The comming version will have a GUI as well and
will be configurable.
This Version of Pink Poodle only works for
You must configure it by editing the .sh-file,
where you have
to enter the correct path of your Movie directory.
Expl.: /media/myhdd/mymovies/
password \\\"Dr House Season 1\\\" Episode1

This will recursively unrar
Then a Folder named \\\"Dr House Season 1\\\" will
be created on your specified location
and the extracted files will be moved into that
Finaly the file will be renamed to

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