Vol2Score 1.0

Martin Kreimann Martin.Kreimann at GoogleMail.com
Sun May 4 22:59:17 CEST 2008

Name: Vol2Score
Version: 1.0
Type: Amarok Script
License: GPL
Homepage: http://Martin.Kreimann.de.tf
More Info:

 Just listen to music.
The more you listen to music, the higher the score
goes. The default score depends on the playcount
and on how long you listened to the song. This
script determines the relevance of the current
listening by the Volume of amaroK and KMix. The
score rises more when the Volume is at it\'s
maximum. It doesn\'t change at all when it is

You must have scores enabled to use this script,
otherwise, who knows what could happen. It might
possibly cause the third worldwar, and it would be
all your fault. You have been warned

If you have any issues with the scoring, either
shoot me an email
or try and fix it first, then email me.
I don\'t guarantee anything, ever.

If it ruins your entire library, steals your
girlfriend/boyfriend, maxes out your credit card,
or something similar...sorry

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