Kommander Action Proxy 0.2

Eric Laffoon sequitur at kde.org
Sat Mar 29 23:55:59 CET 2008

Name: Kommander Action Proxy
Version: 0.2
Type: KDE Development Tool
Depend: Kommander
License: GPL
Homepage: http://kommander.kdewebdev.org
More Info:

 Some people using Kommander wanted MainWindow
support enough to play around and find out it sort
of works. There are holes in it. This plugin uses
27 different functions to plug those holes and
then some. You can do almost every possible
option, at least the ones I thought I might use,
to Actions. Actions can be created and hooked to
scripts with signals and slots, but even something
as simple as a toggle complicates things without
this plugin.  You can even use submenus and
toolbar combos with this.

This also makes it possible to hide the automatic
toolbar or send a message to it. You can also show
and hide toolbars. In addition to this I added a
bonus of two helpful functions to read the
property of any widget. They read the geometry and
if it has focus. Geometry is helpful if you are
using createWidget and want to pop up a DatePicker
or a TextBrowser in relation to a button. 

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