KMetronome 0.8.2

Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas pedro.lopez.cabanillas at
Mon Mar 24 20:23:56 CET 2008

Name: KMetronome
Version: 0.8.2
Type: KDE Sound Application
Depend: KDE 3.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 This program is a MIDI metronome with KDE
interface and based on the ALSA sequencer.  The
intended audience are musicians and music
students. Like the solid, real metronomes it is a
tool to keep the rhythm while playing musical

It uses MIDI for sound generation instead of
digital audio, allowing low CPU usage, and very
accurate timing thanks to the ALSA sequencer.

   * Easy to use KDE graphic user interface.
   * MIDI only. Can be used with software- or
external MIDI synthesizers.
   * Based on the ALSA sequencer. Provides input
and output ports.
   * Highly customizable parameters.
   * Optional built-in connection manager, it can
be used with
external connection managers.
   * External transport control: play - stop -
continue commands, can
be controlled using DCOP or MIDI Realtime System

 New in 0.8.2:

* Fix a crash at startup when ALSA was not loaded.

Fixed in 0.8.1:

* Fix a compilation error using GCC 4.
* Fix MIDI output for QSynth/Fluidsynth and other
soft synths. It uses longer (configurable)
durations, or even avoid using note off events
* Schedule always one bar ahead of current time,
to avoid the nasty little gaps between patterns.

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