KSplasher - KDE Moodin Splash Screen Edi 0.9.8 BETA

OicangI AniloM xanilom at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 02:13:46 CET 2008

Name: KSplasher - KDE Moodin Splash Screen Edi
Version: 0.9.8 BETA
Type: KDE Graphic Tool
Depend: KDE 3.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://www.sf.net/projects/ksplasher/
More Info:


KDE Moodin Engine Splash Screen Editor and Creator

Create your own Splash Screens or edit existing

Made with python+pygame. GUI by PGU. Needs PIL for
PNG saving.

The KSplasher logo created by Divilinux.

 v0.9.8: - You can load a tar compressed theme
file and modify. (.tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, etc)
- You can create a .tar.gz file, and then imports
it with your kcontrol and test it.
- Fixed coding of resulting theme.rc file now
works with kcontrol!
- You can now create preview.png file (automated
when saving as .tar.gz), but this needs an
additional module named "PIL" or "python-imaging".

v0.9.1: Now you can change author info. 
Don't forget to "save theme.rc file" after make
your changes.

-- Fixed start bug (CAPS problem in void
background). Now works well. --

v0.9: A big jump. KSplasher has a GUI. You can
load a theme folder from anywhere. You don't need
to close the program to load a new source.

v0.11: Few minor bugfixes. You don't need NUMPY
anymore. Just Python and Pygame. Added a Quick
Readme file.

v0.1: Program functional. Released as alpha.

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