MountManager 0.1.5

Sergey Tikhonov linuxdoom at
Wed Mar 12 18:25:32 CET 2008

Name: MountManager
Version: 0.1.5
Type: KDE System Tool
Depend: Qt 4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 As we are admirers of Linux and we want to do
Linux more popular, friendly and understandable.
Based on own experience, we decided, that basic
thing, which scare away beginers - unfriendion of
Linux. After installing of any distro user have to
read a lot of manuals, edit many files, create
scripts for fast word in the system, etc. If user
imigrate from Windows, then it will seem to him as
terror and he'll say: "Why I must spend so much
time for setting of Linux, when I can press some
buttons in Windows and the system will be ready
for working?". Many users of linux ask on it so:
"It's better to set Linux one time, then always
press on buttons in Linux". And we say the same,
but this one time of setting Linux takes a lot of
time,power,nerves and quastions on forums. Not
every user can tolerate it. And to do this process
more easy,faster, etc we decided to create a
projetc "LinuxTuner".
However we don't throw cargo of information about
inside structure of operation system from user.
This information we want to show more
understandble,readble, but if user think, that
it's spare information for him he can skip it.
There are a lot of programs, which is GUI for
editing of config files, but looks it very funny.
The best program, which has simaler idea is Yast,
but for first, only Suse has it; for second, we
don't agree with some things in Yast. LinuxTuner -
isn't GUI for config files. It's expert system,
which can help user to make a good choice or make
it without man.
LinuxTuner is a platform, which consists of
plugins. The first plugin is the MountManager.
MountManager - the program for easy and
understanding management of mounting in Linux.
[b]Functional of MountManager 0.1.5:[/b]
-Choose mount point for different partitions
-Mount partitions
-Unmount partitions
-Show all physical and logical disks
-Changing of config file /etc/fstab
-Descrip options,file systems
-Expert mode
-Backup system

[b]Maintainers and translators are needed![/b]

We hope, you help us in it. If somebody want to
take part in project write about it to
linuxdoom at

-If cdrom can read DVD disks, then to config file
write two file systems: UDF and ISO9660
-Tab with settings is third
-All options are showing on all height of program
and scrollbar appears only when it's needed
-Documentation was separated from core
-Documentation in right panel was translated

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