GoogLyrics 0.1

cc cc ultramancool at
Sat Jan 19 03:44:55 CET 2008

Name: GoogLyrics
Version: 0.1
Type: Amarok Script
License: GPL
More Info:

 Sick and tired of traditional, crappy lyrics
search tools? Sick of having to go to google
yourself to hunt down lyrics? GoogLyrics is for
you! I\'ve been annoyed by the low yield on some
of my more obscure music with many of the Amarok
lyric search scripts available. A long time ago,
I\'d seen a rather impressive windows program
called EvilLyrics, they had an interesting idea,
search for the lyrics then rip them off known
websites, using this it managed to have a very
high success rate at lyric extraction. I decided
to implement this myself in an amarok script.
After a quick day of scripting, here\'s the
result: a true lyrics metasearch script. Now a
month later, this script is constantly getting
more advanced. It now supports many different
popular lyrics sites and has an extremely high
success rate on even my more obscure music.

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