Qtractor 0.1.0

Rui Capela rncbc at rncbc.org
Sat Jan 5 18:25:06 CET 2008

Name: Qtractor
Version: 0.1.0
Type: KDE Sound Application
Depend: Qt 4.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://qtractor.sourceforge.net
More Info:

 Qtractor is an Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer
application written in C++ around the Qt4 toolkit
using Qt Designer. The initial target platform
will be Linux, where the Jack Audio Connection Kit
(JACK) for audio, and the Advanced Linux Sound
Architecture (ALSA) for MIDI, are the main
infrastructures to evolve as a fairly-featured
Linux Desktop Audio Workstation GUI, specially
dedicated to the personal home-studio.

 0.1.0 2008-01-05 The Frivolous Debutante

- Audio clip time-stretching makes its debut, with
code adapted and refactored from the SoundTouch
library, under the (L)GPL umbrella.
- New "Options.../Audio/Playback/Quick seek
time-stretching" global option, providing a quick
seek mode (hierarchical search) while doing all
audio buffer time-stretching.
- Changing session tempo will automatically apply
the correspondingtime-stretch percent factor to
all in-place audio clips. Audio clip dialog also
includes a new time-stretch property setting.
- Tempo changes are now affecting clip offsets
correctly, keeping the clip offset constant in
time units (ticks), as are clip start and length
properties already.
- Mixer splitter sizes are now properly
saved/restored when hidden.
- Extended multi-selection is now featured on the
files widget; all drag and drop functionality has
been almost completely rewritten.
- SSE optimization is now enabled where available
(via configure).
- Options for having separate dedicated ports for
the audition/pre-listening player output, audio
metronome output, MIDI control input/output and
MIDI metronome output, are now in place.
- A brand new subtle option sneaks in, affecting
the drag-and-drop of the main track-view:
View/Options.../Drop multiple audio files into the
same track, whether to drop multiple external
files into new or existing track as concatenated
audio clips.
- The audio metronome makes its debut as an
alternative to the MIDI existing one; parameters
include bar and beat audio sample files,
accessible from the
View/Options.../Audio/Metronome dialog.
- Files widget action refactorization; the files
context menu gets its due item icons and a new
menu item for direct audio player accessibility.
- MIDI time resolution changes (ppqn, ticks per
beat) now tries to keep all session MIDI clip
times unchanged as far as possible.
- MIDI channel volume and panning control change
events, CC#7 and CC#10 respectively, are now
rendered unfiltered on playback .
- First rendition of the long due implementation
of an audition or pre-listening audio player is
now in place; the files window got this new
play/stop control button on its lower-right
- Actual instrument definition note (keys) and
controller names are now in effect on the MIDI
editor, whenever applicable.
- Fixed instrument bank selection method, "Bank
MSB" (2), which was broken enough to never send
the correct bank number.
- Mouse-wheel horizontal scrolling is now
accessible on every view, while pressing a
modifier key (Shift or Ctrl).
- New auto-backward transport option: when enabled
the playhead will be reset backward automatically
whenever transport stops playing.
- A suicide-crash has been fixed while invoking
the bus dialog from the respective mixer bus strip
context menu.
- Master (default) buses are always set to Duplex
mode, being now an enforced update policy while on
the Buses dialog.
- A stupid lockup bug (infinite loop) was spotted
on the track bus assignment method and squashed
(thanks, lexridge).
- New keyboard shortcuts for toggling the
Connections tool (F8) and the mighty Mixer tool
(F9) windows.
- Avoid showing a context menu while
right-clicking on time rulers.
- Audio clip waveform drawing gets additional
closing points.
- It is now possible to change the length/size of
a clip by dragging its left or right edges, while
in the main track-view. Shift+drag will also
time-stretch to the resulting audio clip length.
- Another off-by-one mistake was corrected, which
was causing audio clips to go out-of-sync on loop
turnover boundary; also changed the loop
turnaround strategy, now honoring already cached
- A race-condition has been mitigated in the
audio-buffer thread, that was exposed and lead to
sudden application freezing upon changing some
composite audio clip commands.
- Take absolute audio peak values only, making
peak files a little bit shorter and hopefully
faster to load and draw as waveforms.

0.0.9  2007-11-30  The Adolescence Prime

- Drag-and-dropping of MIDI files without specific
track or channel, into existing tracks, is now
rejected. The drop operation is now allowed on the
track-view blank area only, meaning the same as
the complete MIDI file import into session.
- Record actual MIDI clip length to last play-head
position, instead of time of last event in the
recorded sequence.
- Connections item lists gets properly sorted, as
- Clear connection persistance once an explicit
disconnection is issued on any of the (intrinsic)
bus ports.
- MIDI output buses now get the panning slider to
spit out some GM system master balance (sysex)
messages, being now enabled.
- Mouse hovering on the clip fade-in/out handles,
while in the main track-view, gets its long due
cursor pointer feedback.
- Fixed a off-by-one boundary issue on MIDI clip
event playback, which were enqueuing duplicated
MIDI events on every read-ahead output thread
processing cycle (1 sec).
- Transport menu and toolbar are now featured on
the MIDI Editor.
- Use actual session name when asking to save
changed session.
- Transport loop setting keyboard shortcuts
swapped: Ctrl+L will set the loop immediately, and
Shift+Ctrl+L will toggle on/off.
- Changing MIDI event duration may now affect MIDI
clip duration.
- Alternate sharp-note color lines have returned
to MIDI Editor canvas, as was the shadow color
marking the end of MIDI clip.

0.0.8  2007-11-12  The Twelfth Tight

- Bus context menu is now accessible from
respective mixer strip.
- Fixed a subtle crash-suicide issue when invoking
the bus dialog with a double-click over the
corresponding mixer bus strip; also fixed the
sloppy ganguing mistake when changing mixer bus
gain (volume) and panning values.
- MIDI Omni mode (sort of) makes its entrance as a
new MIDI track property, meaning that is now
finally possible for the capture of any unfiltered
MIDI channel event, without regard to the current
channel assignment, which still applies for
playback purposes.
- Audio (pass-)through has been also implemented,
now being a common and consistent property of both
audio and MIDI buses, provided those are set in
duplex mode (input and output).
- Re-touched follow-playhead and continue-past-end
tool icons, again to be a bit softer and not so
bright as to hurt someones eyes.

0.0.7  2007-10-31  The Eleventh Tower
0.0.6  2007-10-09  The Tenth Commencement
0.0.5  2007-09-08  The Ninth Hitch Nail
0.0.4  2007-07-19  The Eight Wanderer
0.0.3  2007-06-23  The Seventh Draught
0.0.2  2007-05-26  The Sixth Lord
0.0.1  2007-05-07  The Filthy Fifth

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