Simple Root Actions Menu 1.1

Mladen Pejaković pejakm at
Wed Jan 2 22:01:30 CET 2008

Name: Simple Root Actions Menu
Version: 1.1
Type: KDE Service Menu
Depend: KDE 3.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 This is menu that I use, I thought it would be
usefull for some people so I decided to share it.

It is very simple, it contains 4 menu entries:
-delete as root ("srm_d.desktop", for all files
and folders)
-edit as root ("srm_e.desktop", with kwrite, for
all text files)
-open as root ("srm_o.desktop", for all folders,
opens them with konqueror)
-run as root ("srm_r.desktop", for all executabile


Download and unpack it to

where [color=#336699]$PREFIX[/color] can be:


You can send me [b]translations[/b] to your
language if you want, so I can update the menus.
Also any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Thanks to andreasb123, zsohu, figue and fagerjan
for German, Hungarian, Spanish and Swedish

 1.1 - Wednesday 2 January 2008

+ Added translations: German (by andreasb123),
Hungarian (by zsohu), Spanish (by figue) and
Swedish (by fagerjan)

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