rewritten webarchiver plugin 3.5.9-r4

Matthias Grimrath maps4711 at
Mon Feb 25 21:15:23 CET 2008

Name: rewritten webarchiver plugin
Version: 3.5.9-r4
Type: KDE Improvement
Depend: KDE 3.5.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 An improved replacement for the webarchiver
plugin found in kdeaddons. Compared to the old
webarchiver this one can handle pages with frames
and nested stylesheets. Please note that
Javascript may or may not work in archived

 --- 2008-02-25

   * Version r3/3.5.8 to r4/3.5.9
   * Fixed failed assertion if KHTML does not
parse a STYLE area
   * use "Verify" cache strategy if working
together with the original http slave

--- 2007-11-20

   * Version r2/3.5.7 to r3/3.5.8
   * fixed crashes on webpages that somehow create
internal DOM nodes without children.
   * fixed handling of webpages that have more
than one style area.
   * very small performance and error handling

-- 2007-06-07

   * Version r2/3.5.6 to r2/3.5.7
   * no changes in the code itself

-- 2007-03-21

   * new patches against KDE 3.5.6.
   * Much stricter and more secure URL checking
   * several bug fixes
   * last directory is now remembered in save

-- 2006-20-06

   * new patches against KDE 3.5.3. No changes in
the code itself


   * new patches against KDE 3.5.2. No changes in
the code itself
   * updated README
   * webarchiver sources packaged as patches, not
as tar archives

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