eric4 4.1.0

Detlev Offenbach detlev at
Sun Feb 3 16:05:57 CET 2008

Name: eric4
Version: 4.1.0
Type: KDE Development Environment
Depend: PyKDE/PyQt
License: GPL
More Info:

 Eric4 is a Python IDE written using PyQt4 and
QScintilla2. It has integrated project management
capabilities, it gives you an unlimited number of
editors, an integrated Python shell, an integrated
debugger, integrated interfaces to Subversion and
CVS, an integrated refactoring browser, integrated
unittest and much more.

Eric4 is the successor of the well known eric3
development environment.

 - Bug fixes
- Compytibility fixes for Python 2.5
- Added a plugin system for easy extensibility
- Converted the following interface to plugins
available separately
  -- PyLint checker
  -- CxFreeze packager
  -- CharTables tool
  -- CVS version control system
  -- BRM refactoring
- Added new project types
  -- Eric4 Plugin
  -- Django
  -- TurboGears
  -- wxPython
- Added source code exporters for
  -- HTML
  -- PDF
  -- RTF
  -- Latex
- Added subversion repository and log browsers
- Included API files for
  -- eric4
  -- Django
  -- TurboGears
  -- wxPython
  -- Zope 2
  -- Zope 3
- Many enhancements to the functionality already

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