Kvkbd - KDE4 0.6

Guillaume Martres smarter3 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 21:49:20 CET 2008

Name: Kvkbd - KDE4
Version: 0.6
Type: KDE Accessibility Application
Depend: KDE 4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 Kvkbd is a virtual keyboard for KDE, it contains
many feature like system tray and dock support,
autodetection and on the fly change of the
keyboard layout, scripting with DBus, etc.

This version was originally released with Kubuntu
8.10 but I was delaying it\'s official release
until some issues could be solved(see below). Due
to a lack of time I\'m releasing it here because
it\'s usable and works well.

KNOWN ISSUE(see README for full list):
- Launching Kvkbd with KDM4 doesn\'t work(and
doesn\'t with any app at all in fact). I\'ve been
trying to solve that with the KDM maintainer but
we still haven\'t found a good solution

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