Kalasnikof 1.5.2

Dimitris Diamantis kotsifi at gmail.com
Thu Aug 7 23:15:10 CEST 2008

Name: Kalasnikof
Version: 1.5.2
Type: KDE Kommander Script
Depend: Kommander
License: GPL
More Info:

 A simple kommander script to kill...
1)Kill your time , killing Bill (xpenguins with
theme "Bill")
2)Processes by name
3)Zombie processes
4)A client by its X resource (xkill)
5)The Top Cpu process
6)The X Window System

xkill,killall,kdesu (kdesudo),kommander 1.3(kde
3.5.9),whoami,xpenguins(with theme "Bill")

How to run:
Create a link to application and write in the
"Command:" textbox:
"kmdr-executor /The path to the
You can also add it to a panel or in the Kmenu.

Enjoy :-) and don't forget to vote it!

1)Added "About" and "Help" dialog.
2)Added "kill processes by name" choice.
1)Added xpenguins with theme "Bill"
1)After kernel update the choice "5)The Top Cpu
process" stop working.
Now in 1.5.1 this bug fixed.
1)No more need the kdialog
2)New look

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