NetVideoEncoder 2r0alpha5

pierre lagarde pierre.lag6633 at
Thu Aug 7 01:06:13 CEST 2008

Name: NetVideoEncoder
Version: 2r0alpha5
Type: KDE Video Application
Depend: Kommander
License: GPL
More Info:

 Alpha extended version of MeizuVideoEncoder

The purpose is to extend the use of the
MeizuVideoEncoder application (see here :
) to other miniplayers and websites video formats.

The functionalities added for this purpose are
meant to :
- manage some usage profiles
- add many more useful encoding options

This version is a presentation more than a real
full functional version, yet it can be used to
encode some videos to basic .avi/xvid formats. It
can even replace MeizuVideoEncoder last version if
good options are chosen in the \"extras\" tab.
All encoding options of first three tabs are fully
Settings management may have some bugs for the
moment, because it has not been fully cross tested
with profile management.

Profile list boxes multiple selection in
\"extras\" tab will only work with KDE 3.5.9
environment (for example minimal supported ubuntu
version is 8.04). 

.flv encoding is only a mock up option for the

To install this application and its requirements,
refer to MeizuVideoEncoder page (except for KDE
version, the installation procedure and the
requirements are strictly the same).

If you feel like testing it and make a report,
you\'re welcome.

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