KDE3TO4 0.0.3

A.J. Venter aj at outkastsolutions.co.za
Fri Aug 1 18:11:32 CEST 2008

Name: KDE3TO4
Version: 0.0.3
Type: KDE Other Utility
Depend: KDE 4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 KDE3TO4 is a wizard implemented as a set of
modular bash scripts to help users migrating from
KDE3 to KDE4 by easily migrating settings for
various applications from their old KDE3 settings
directory to their new KDE4 settings directory.
It requires that you keep the two directories in
separate locations. Kubuntu for example already
does this for you, Fedora users will have to move
their KDE3 directory ($HOME/.kde) to a new
location (such as $HOME/.kde3) before installing

The modular design makes it easy for anybody to
add support for any application and it is my hope
that a lot of this support will be provided by
various application developers themselves as they
are uniquely able to identify possible quirks in
migrating a specific app. Having said that I will
accept all good contributions into the main tree,
regardless of who wrote them. The amount of work
for a given app is very little on average and the
wizard takes care of integrating it into the
overall process easily.
You can send new modules me at
aj.venter at datacash.co.za

Version 0.0.3: Fixed a bug in the konqueror script
Added several more important blacklists. Special
thanks to Aaron for the list.

Version 0.0.2: Switched backend to KIOClient for
better userfriendliness, desktop integration and
Includes experimental new all_apps script which
handles almost all applications,
with blacklist and exception support to prevent
Includes a script to migrate amarok1.x settings.

Version 0.0.1: First release.
Includes scripts for kopete and konqueror.

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