Kommander 1.3.1

Eric Laffoon sequitur at kde.org
Fri Apr 18 03:40:53 CEST 2008

Name: Kommander
Version: 1.3.1
Type: KDE Development Environment
Depend: KDE 3.4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 Kommander 1.3 in kdewebdev 3.5.9 added lots
including popup menus, create widgets on the fly,
full access to slots, new widgets and much more.
The 1.3.1 release goes further with geometry and
hasFocus functons for data widgets, numerous
improvements for the tree/detail widget and the
table and little touchs like file_exists() and
str_round() functions. There is also a snippet
database with TemplateMagic which requires the
0.4.6 release of the database driver.

Kommander consists of an editor and a program
executor. It uses the *.ui files generated by Qt
Designer and used by KDE and extends the simple
preview to a full on interactive window using DCOP
to communicate with widgets. Kommander is intended
for non programmers and programmers alike as a
rapid development tool aimed at the 80/20 rule. It
doesn't do everything, but it does what you mostly
need real fast. Kommander can use plugins to do
things like database access and these can be
written for any KDE widget or function library. 

In this release the new parser is the default so
you have variables and unlimited nested
conditional statments. You can also use a shebang
like #!/usr/bin/php to use other languages in a
script widget. This also adds testing for the exec
bit to prevent accidental execution of downloaded
dialogs. There are now extensive help docs with
the editor. Check my submissions for other

 1.3.1 tasty touches for user power - see our
changes at
1.3-final is a huge improvement over previous
versions. See our changes at
1.2.9 is a development release because it is not
part of the official KDE packages as it introduces
features and strings. It is however mostly a bug
fix release with a new text editor and is
backwards compatible with the latest 3.5x release.
It is HIGHLY recommended for all people using the
editor. It's a major improvement.

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