Lampp Panel 0.02

Spiky AtLinux webmaster at
Mon Apr 14 22:24:33 CEST 2008

Name: Lampp Panel
Version: 0.02
Type: KDE Kommander Script
Depend: KDE 3.5.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 This is my first kommander script, but I hope you
like it.
This is my Lampp Control Panel. It's a kommander
script written in
German on my OpenSuse 10.3.
Try it out Feedback is welcome.
I think it must run on every system where
kommander and KDE 3.5.x is installed.
I hope so ;-)

- lampp start + stop
- lampp restart
- reload all configs
- lampp securitycheck
- start and stop only apache
- start and stop only mysql
- start and stop only proftpd
- activate or deactivate apache ssl
- check php version or change from 4 to 5 or back
- create a symbolic link for runlevel (Only Suse)
- start yast2 runlevel-editor
- open lampp folder 'bin'
- open lampp folder 'htdocs'
- edit httpd.conf, my.cnf, php.ini, proftpd.conf

Some links to websites with good stuff.

The script was written completly in German so you
have to translate it manualy if
you want ;-)

Sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand my
german english ;-)

Unpack the archiv and doubleclick the 'Lampp
Panel.kmdr' if you have installed kommander.

- Add Lampp startpage (localhost)
- Add phpMyAdmin connection with and without SSL
- Now you can edit '/etc/hosts' from the panel

v0.03 beta
- Add Lampp Panel
- Add Lampp status, so you can see if lampp is
running or not
- Add Lamm backup (Only work if no password is
- Add open the backupfolder in '/opt/lampp/backup'

[b]Only update my homepage download link[/b]

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