CpuFreq Tray 0.9

Arturo Mann arturo.mann at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 22:44:26 CEST 2007

Name: CpuFreq Tray
Version: 0.9
Type: KDE System Tool
Depend: Qt 4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 CpuFreqTray is an extremely simple application,
written in Python + PyQt 4.0 to monitor and
control your Cpu's frequency using cpufreq-utils
(the sysfs flavour!) It's really simple to use.
Just make sure to execute it within its own
directory (it cannot find icons in global paths
yet!), or to set it's working directory to it's
root path when you create a launcher.

I borrowed KDE's CrystalSVG exit icon, btw!

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