EncodingConverter 0.1

Christoph Burgmer chrislb at gmx.de
Mon Nov 26 22:01:14 CET 2007

Name: EncodingConverter
Version: 0.1
Type: Amarok Script
Depend: PyKDE/PyQt
License: GPL
More Info:

 EncodingConverter is a plugin for Amarok that
offers a conversion from MP3 ID3v1 tags with
non-latin1 data to unicode with ID3v2.

[b]Important[/b]: This script is in alpha status.
As it makes changes to ID3 tag information please
make a backup of relevant files.

Furthermore only a limited number of languages is
supported (especially if Textcat isn\'t installed)
though more can be easily added. Please submit
encodings and their general language or language
family name (e.g. ISO 8859-1 = west european) to
the author. 

ID3v1 doesn\'t specify in which encoding the meta
data is given. Many people believe that only
latin1 (ISO 8859-1) should be specified, though a
lot of music is tagged in the encoding used
locally and a lot of music players will interpret
ID3v1 meta data as being in latin1 or in a
previously specified encoding set for all system
wide files.

With mixing music of different languages from
different sources, ID3v1 tags will be mixed with
different encodings, so that a default encoding
can\'t work for all files. 
ID3v2 does allow Unicode, so an easy solution is
to just convert ID3v1 tags to ID3v2. This script
will offer the user a method to select a supported
encoding and will even guess the encoding as to
try to offer the right encoding as the first


Right clicking on the file and choosing
\"EncodingConverter\" and \"Convert to Unicode\"
will open a window that shows all relevant tag
fields and an encoding chooser. The encoding
guesser will try to find a best match for the
given content but if the tag fields do show wrong
content and weired characters the current encoding
is wrong and another one needs to be choosen. 

The fields actually to be converted can be choosen
by ticking the checkboxes. By default all fields
will be converted when clicking Ok. 

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