KScannerButtons 0.9.5

Jean-Christophe Cardot jice at cardot.net
Mon May 28 19:13:16 CEST 2007

Name: KScannerButtons
Version: 0.9.5
Type: KDE Improvement
Depend: Kommander
License: GPL
Homepage: http://cardot.net/KScannerButtons/
More Info:

 KScannerButtons is composed of a daemon plus an
optional KDE frontend for monitoring your scanner
buttons so that actions can be taken in response
to button presses, like:
- on touch copy
- email a scanned document
- run kooka
- scan & run the gimp (or krita)

It's composed of a daemon (sanebuttond), a
frontend that will display an icon in the systray
and a dialog box to configure and launch the

It is based on the button monitoring capabilities
found in some SANE backends. The front-end is
developped using Kommander.

It has been developped with the avision backend
and an HP 5300C scanner.

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