QjackCtl 0.3.1a

Rui Capela rncbc at rncbc.org
Thu Jul 19 11:32:04 CEST 2007

Name: QjackCtl
Version: 0.3.1a
Type: Sound Application
Depend: Qt 4.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://qjackctl.sourceforge.net
More Info:

 Qjackctl is a simple Qt application to control
the JACK sound server daemon, specific for the
Linux Audio Desktop infrastructure.

Written in C++ around the Qt4 toolkit for X11,
most exclusively using Qt Designer.

Provides a simple GUI dialog for setting several
JACK daemon parameters, which are properly saved
between sessions, and a way control of the status
of the audio server daemon. With time, this
primordial interface has become richer by
including a enhanced patchbay and connection
control features.

 0.3.1   2007-07-19  System-tray tooltip icon
crash fix.

- An immediate showstopper crash upon client start
was irradicated, which was affecting those with
the system-tray icon disabled, as is the default
(thanks to Ken Ellinwood for first reporting this
sloppy one).

0.3.1   2007-07-18  Shallowed bug-fix release.

- The current DSP load percentage activity is now
also displayed on the system-tray icon tooltip.

- An illusive but nasty Connections/Patchbay item
tooltip crash bug has been hopefully fixed (Qt >=

- Now using QSystemTrayIcon class facility if
available (Qt4 >= 4.2) making the system-tray
option available on most platforms, notably on
Windows and Mac OS X (EXPERIMENTAL).

- Usage of QProcess class has been severely
refactored, now using QProcess::start() instead of
QProcess::startDetached(), giving much tighter
control over the started jackd(mp) process.
Downside is that QjackCtl lost its ability and
option to leave the process detached upon quitting
the application. Too bad.

- A new eye-candy bit has sneaked in: server mode
display, that is the RT indicator, now blinks when
server/client is started/active.

- Combo-box setup history has been corrected on
restore, which was discarding the very initial
default (factory) contents.

- Now that Qt4 is accessible to open-source
Windows appplications, there's some experimental
stuff sneaking in for jackdmp support on win32

- Connections list items were initially sorted in
descending order by default. Fixed. Client items
are now naturally sorted, again.

0.3.0   2007-07-10  Qt4 migration was complete.

- Qt4 migration was complete. Care must be taken
with this new configuration file and location:
this release starts a new one from scratch and
won't reuse any of the previous existing ones,
although cut and paste might help if you know what
you're doing :)

- On a last-minute addition, the "firewire" audio
backend driver option has been also included,
supporting the ffado.org project which is evolving
where "freebob" is leaving (thanks to Klaus
Zimmermann for this one).

0.2.23   2007-07-02  JACK MIDI support debut.

- JACK MIDI support is now being introduced.
Connections window now has a brand new MIDI tab,
the older being renamed to ALSA, as for the
ALSA/MIDI sequencer conveniency. The server
settings now include the MIDI driver setup option
(ALSA backend only).

- Application icon is now installed to
${prefix}/share/pixmaps; application desktop entry
file is now included in installation; spec file
(RPM) is now a bit more openSUSE compliant;
initial debianization.

- Invalidation of the JACK client handle is now
forced right on jack_shutdown notification,
preventing a most probable fatal crash due to
jack_deactivate and/or jack_client_close being
called after the jack_watchdog kicks in.

- Default font option names were adjusted to "Sans
Serif" and "Monospace", wherever available.

- The "keep child windows always on top" option is
not set as default anymore, because window focus
behavior gets tricky on some desktop environments
(eg. Mac OS X, Gnome).

- Autoconf (configure) scripting gets an update.

0.2.22   2007-03-31  Long overdue but better late
than never.

- Fixed default settings for the freebob backend
(JACK >= 0.103.0).

- CPU Load status label now says correctly DSP

- The most recently used patchbay definitions can
now be correctly selected in round-robin fashion
from its drop-down list widget.

- Avoid mixing JACK MIDI ports with regular audio
ports on the Connections and Patchbay widgets;
strictly list only audio ports.

- Added 192k sample rate to setup settings drop
down list (as kindly  reminded by Klaus
Zimmermann, thanks).

- Most top-level widgets were missing the
normal-widget flag, which were causing some sticky
size behavior on some window managers.

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