3dphoto 0.1

brian greaney brian at greaney-home.co.uk
Tue Jul 10 22:32:13 CEST 2007

Name: 3dphoto
Version: 0.1
Type: Kommander Script
License: GPL
More Info:

 This is a shell script that converts a flat (i.e.
conventional) jpeg image to 3d version. It has a
Kommander GUI that allows the user to select
either a single file or all jpegs in a folder. The
script from the command line is currently more
flexible allowing a choice of colour for the
background whilst the Kommander script defaults to
ivory. The package also includes a simple read me.
The 3 sample pictures are the original image, then
two versions, one with a transparent background (a
png also reduced in resolution for this example
only) and one with a background (lavender in this
case for clarity on the web page). This is my 1st
ever script released to the world, so please be

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