[Kde-announce-apps] FALF Player 1.0rc3/rc4dev

who_knows who_knows amdfanatyk at wp.pl
Sun Jan 14 22:39:08 CET 2007

Name: FALF Player
Version: 1.0rc3/rc4dev
Type: Sound Application
Depend: KDE 3.4.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://falf.sourceforge.net/forum
More Info:

 Because simplicity is beautiful...

App relies on:
xinelib http://xinehq.de/
qt http://www.trolltech.com/
kde http://kde.org

Most recent version available via svn:
 svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/falf

 1.0rc3 -> 1.0rc4dev
* Dutch translation
* tiny changes in mainwindow
* searchbox doesn't appear when current playlist
is empty
* repeat track
* 'Download lyrics again' button in lyrics' window
* copy/send on playlist
* context menu uses KPopupMenu instead of
* increase volume steadily when running
* playlist menu available also via tray menu
* remove duplicates

1.0rc2 -> 1.0rc3
* additional window that shows progress while
restoring playlists
* m3u support
* main window redesigned
* bugfix against 1.0rc2

1.0rc1 -> 1.0rc2
* audio cd support added
* homepage changed
* new extensions added
* changes in lyrics forced by autolyrics.com
* "Clear playlist" crash fixed
* "Delete playlist" button must be disabled when
play back is paused

1.0pre29 -> 1.0rc1
* lyrics support
* random mode
* convenient track search
* files given as command line args are added to
new playlist
* running more than one copy of falf is not
allowed (conf file more secure)
* tag editor's window redesigned
* playlists moveable
* smarter tooltip for tray icon
* "Add to FALF Player playlist" action added to
konqueror's menu (currently works only when FALF
is turned off)
* Spanish translation added
* many bugs fixed

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