[Kde-announce-apps] ISO - DAX - CSO Converter 1.07

Radovan Kanizaj kradovan at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 14 18:02:12 CET 2007

Name: ISO - DAX - CSO Converter
Version: 1.07
Type: Kommander Script
Depend: Kommander
License: GPL
More Info:

 This is simple Kommander script for converting
PSP UMD backups between three file formats ISO DAX
and CSO Recent additions are popstation &
Docmaker can convert PS and PDF files to series of
PNG files
Script depends on:
                ciso v1.01
                daxcr v0.3
                umdsign v?.?
                popstation v?.? update to version
released with 303OE-A
                docmaker v?.? update to version
released with 303OE-B

Source for ciso umdsign daxc popstation and
docmaker are now included in download arhive.
Reason for this is was minor modifications to
sources to avoid warnings and errors during
compile and execution.
ciso was missing some includes
umdsign had some windows specific calls and
missing includes
Kommander is part of kdewebdev3 package
ImageMagick is package of command line graphic
To compile ciso, daxcr and popstation gcc and
zlib-devel package must be installed.

Original source for ciso and umdsign is part of
devhook SDK 0.46.0000 file is called dh046_SDK.rar
and it can be found on various PSP forums and
To compile ciso:
Extract source to some folder
in Konsole type:

gcc -o ciso ciso.c -lz

ciso will be created and there shouldn't be any
errors and warnings
to make ciso executable type:

chmod a+x ciso

copy ciso to path eg. "/usr/local/bin" 

Usage: ciso level infile outfile
  level: 1-9 compress ISO to CSO (1=fast/large -
         0   decompress CSO to ISO

To build umdsign

in Konsole type:
gcc -o umdsign umdsign.c

umdsign will be created and there shouldn't be any
errors and warnings
to make umdsign executable type:

chmod a+x umdsign

copy umdsign to path eg. "/usr/local/bin" 

Usage: umdsign [iso_filename]

Source for daxcr is part of DAX ZISO loader and it
can be found at
To compile daxcr:
Extract source to some folder
in Konsole type:


daxcr will be created warnings are OK if there is
no errors
to make daxcr executable type:

chmod a+x daxcr

copy daxcr to path eg. "/usr/local/bin" 

Cross conversion DAX to CSO and CSO to DAX creates
temporary file in /tmp folder.
File is deleted automatically when conversion is
You should check if you can reed and write to /tmp

Source for popstation and docmaker are part of
303OE-A and 303OE-B
To build popstation

in Konsole type:

popstation will be created with some warnings but
there shouldn't be any errors
to make popstation executable type:

chmod a+x popstation

copy popstation to path eg. "/usr/local/bin" 

Usage: Usage: popstation title gamecode
compressionlevel file.iso

To build docmaker

in Konsole type:

docmaker will be created and there shouldn't be
any errors and warnings
to make docmaker executable type:

chmod a+x docmaker

copy docmaker to path eg. "/usr/local/bin" 

Usage: docmaker gamecode directory

To use PSX games converted with popstation you
must have 303OE-B or better installed in your PSP
There are two versions of 1.06 Du to a bug in
Kommander 1.2.0 (Specific to popstation part of
gui) version for 1.3.0 (might work with kommander
v1.2.1 and greater) has less fields to fill.
Two additional folders should be created one for
storing BASE.BPB and KEYS.BIN and one for storing
PNG images (images can have meaningful names in
that folder e.g. background.PNG)
Added Priview button. You must specifie icon and
background image for priview to work. It depends
in ImageMagick package.

Greeting Kradovan

      Initial release
      Added support for UMDSign
      Some minor gui fixes
      Some minor gui fixes
      Added direct conversion DAX to CSO and CSO
to DAX
      Some other fixes
      minor modification to GUI (tab order)
      added POPstation support PSX to PSP (not
tested it is the 01.01.07 and I cant find any PSX
cd's at home must wait til tomorow for shops to
major modification to POPStation
added suport for PSPXSave
two slightly diferent versions du to an error in
kommander V1.2.0 (difference is only in
	      complete remake of POPStation to use ver.
for 3.03OE-A
	      added support for DOCMaker 
	      added conversion PS & PDF to PNG as part of
	      how to for creating valid PS & PDF files
	      removed PSPXsave support
	      corrected spelling for What's This Help
        added Preview button in POPstation

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