[Kde-announce-apps] KPowersave v0.7.2-unstable

Danny Kukawka danny.kukawka at web.de
Mon Feb 19 01:52:59 CET 2007

Name: KPowersave
Version: v0.7.2-unstable
Type: System Tool
Depend: KDE 3.5.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/projects/kpowersave
More Info:

 KPowersave is the KDE frontend for
powermanagement. It provides battery monitoring,
suspend/ standby triggers and many more features
for KDE (and GNOME). 

Current feature list:
- support ACPI, APM (and PMU since 0.7.x)
- trigger suspend to disk/ram and standby
- switch cpu frequency policy (between:
performance, dynamic and powersave)
- applet icon with info about AC state, and
battery fill/(warning) states
- applet tooltip with battery fill and remaining
battery time/percentage info
- scheme specific settings (see below)
- autosuspend (to suspend if a user was a defined
time inactive)
- a global and scheme specific configurable
blacklist with programmes to prevent autosuspend
(e.g. videoplayer and cd burning tools)
- trigger lock screen on lidclose ans suspend and
select the lock methode
- KNotify support for many events
- online help: en, hu, nb, cs, pt, fi, de
- localisations: bg, cs, da, de, el, es, fi, fr,
hu, it, ja, km, nb, nl, pa, pl, pt_BR, pt, ru, sk,
sl_SI, sv, tr, uk, zh_CN, zh_TW

- KPowersave support schemes with following
configurable specific settings for:
  * screensaver/DPMS
  * brightness (if supported by hardware)
  * autosuspend
  * scheme specific blacklist for autosuspend

- KPowersave contains a detailed information
dialog (on left mouse button on the applet icon):
  * CPU Frequency information
  * Battery information
  * current scheme and CPU Freq. policy, AC and
powersave state

To run KPowersave you need currently:
- dbus/dbus-qt3 >= 0.6
- HAL >=

For KPowersave = 0.12.20

For (additional) dependencies see the project
homepage and documentation. 

If you run KPowersave on KDE you can remove
klaptop from your system. KPowersave was developed
as a replacement.

KPowersave and powersave are (as we know) running
on this distributions:
* SUSE Linux (defaultly, available RPMs are for
10.0, for 10.1/10.2 see factory repository
(www.opensuse.org), for 9.2/9.3 older version on
sf.net available)
* ALTLinux: default
* K/Ubuntu: from universe repository (Dapper
Drake) or for 'Breezy Badger' from
http://www.teco.edu/~biebl/ubuntu (Thanks to
Michael Biebl)
* Debian (unstable/testing): available via
'apt-get install kpowersave' 
* Fedora Core 5 (see sf.net project homepage for
needed dbus-qt3 rpm and for the src rpm)
* Fedora Core 4 (see sf.net project homepage, also
for the src rpm and HAL/DBUS update rpms)
* Mandriva 2006.1 (see sf.net project homepage,
also for src rpms or from Cooker/2007 contrib
* Gentoo (ebuilds see download link)
* Arch Linux PKGBUILD (for powersave see unstable
tree: http://archlinux.org/packages.php?id=9701)
* Slackware (see sf.net project page or:
* (Simply)Mephis (since 6.0 default solution)
* FOX Linux (default)
* RR/RR64 Linux (default)
* PLD Linux (devel tree)
* Aurox (devel tree)
* Pardus
RPMs and porting information for other
distributions would be appreciated.

To get always actual news about updates and new
versions subscribe to new releases at the project
homepage: http://freshmeat.net/projects/kpowersave

Copyright (C) 2004-2006 by:
 * Danny Kukawka 
 * Thomas Renninger 

 For more information about current development


For current changelog and news see: 

18. Feb 2007
This version is a major step to the next
KPowersave stable version. As first: you don't
need to change the KPowersave config file manually
any longer - this version provide now all options
for powermanagement in KPowersave via the updated
and extended configure dialog.

You can find all changes since the last release in
this file or in the Changelog. Please test
KPowersave and feel free to report bugs to the
powersave-devel mailinglist.

Because of the changed GUI the most translations
are not up-to-date. Feel free to checkout the
source, update your translations file and send it
to us.

Major changes since the last version:
 - extended configure dialog to provide this
   * schemes settings:
     - add new and delete existing (no default)
     - define a CPU Frequency policy for each
   * general settings:
     - define battery warning levels and actions
if a level reached
       as e.g. Suspend to disk, Shutdown or change
the brightness
     - configure actions for button events
     - define the default AC and battery schemes
 - show the power consumtion of the battery in the
detailed info dialog
 - umount external media before suspend (need a
patch of the KDE media
   manager) to avoid data loss and remount on
 - reset the CPU Freq settings on resume to avoid
different settings for
   the CPU governor on multicore machines
 - call now SetCPUFreqConsiderNice(),
SetCPUFreqPerformance() on dynamic
   CPU Freq policy (as poweruser setting only
changeable via config file),
   and also SetPowerSave() with true on battery
and false otherwise.
 - support also conservative governor as DYNAMIC
 - fixed brightness handling in the configure
dialog if not activated
 - removed accelerator tags from i18n() strings.
KDE handle this by itself.
   Improved config GUI to be better accessible via
 - code and code documentation cleanups and

[21 Nov 06, 0.7.1][02 July 06, 0.6.2][14 May 06,
[11 Apr 06, 0.6.0]

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