ktikz - Editor for the TikZ language 0.2

Florian Hackenberger f.hackenberger at chello.at
Fri Aug 3 11:46:56 CEST 2007

Name: ktikz - Editor for the TikZ language
Version: 0.2
Type: KDE Graphic Editor
License: GPL
More Info:

 Version 0.2 is released. Thanks go to Glad
Deschrijver for sending me patches implementing
all the new functionality.

KtikZ is a small application helping you to create
TikZ (from the LaTeX pgf package) diagrams for
your publications. It requires qt4, LaTeX
(pdflatex), the LaTeX preview-latex-style package
[1] and pgf itself [2]. For the eps export
functionality you also need the poppler-utils
package. If you'd like to improve this litte tool
just check it out from svn
(svn://hackenberger.at/svnroot/ktikz) and send me


 Version 0.2:
- replaced the icons in XPM format by icons in PNG
format from KDE4's Oxygen theme (obtained from
- placed the text edit and the preview area in a
splitter so that their relative width can be
changed by the user
- placed the log text edit in a dockwidget (which
can be hidden)
- temporary files are now put in QDir::tempPath()
+ "/ktikz" (on Linux this is /tmp/ktikz), so your
working directory remains clean
- closing the application now removes all
temporary files and stops the thread
- the first time that the thread (generating the
output image) is executed is not on startup
anymore, but when the user actually changes the
text or loads a file
- images can now be exported to EPS, PDF and PNG
- for some standard actions, the standard key
sequence is used (e.g. QKeySequence::Open instead
of Ctrl+O)
- the toolbars can be hidden
- corrected typo "TiKz" to "TikZ"
- a function runProcess is used which makes the
code of generatePdfFile and generatePngFile easier
(in tikzpngpreviewer.cpp)
- made a better about dialog

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