rkward 0.4.7

thomas friedrichsmeier tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Apr 11 14:55:58 CEST 2007

Name: rkward
Version: 0.4.7
Type: Scientific
Depend: KDE 3.2.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://rkward.sf.net
More Info:

 RKWard aims to provide an easily extensible, easy
to use IDE/GUI for the R-project. RKWard strives
to combine the power of the R-language with the
(relative) ease of use of commercial statistical
packages. While RKWard is far from finished, it is
already useful to R experts looking for an IDE
interface to the R language. For R novices, it
provides graphical dialogs for a limited but
growing number of statistical and graphing

 --- Version 0.4.7 - Apr-11-2007
- some fixes for GCC 4.3
- fixed: the presence of user objects called
"missing", "assign", or "get" would confuse some
RKWard internals
- several existing plugins have been improved in
various ways
- use maximum permissible width in the object
- fix a crash that occurred during startup under
some circumstances
- when flushing the output, also delete all graphs
- add support for a "technical details" section in
plugin help files
- add option to enable / disable single options of
a radio or dropdown control in plugins
- t-test plugin now also allows to calculate a
paired test
- show current working directory in the statusbar
- add run selection action to all HTML windows
- add custom icons for run line/selection/all
- make sure not to run parts of an incomplete user
command. It would lead to all sorts of subtle
- if an incomplete command was piped through the
console, the console does not become blocked for
- make "run current line" advance the cursor to
next line after running
- warnings and errors are highlighted in command
log / console (warnings only for R >= 2.5.x)
- plugin generated commands are run in a local()
environment, allowing for more concise code
- also support filename completion in the console
(mode of completion is determined by heuristic
- initial support for R's Sys.setlocale(), and
encoding of CHARSXPs
- in help files, a short title for sections (for
the navigation bar) can be defined
- the currently active window is now highlighted
using a thin red border
- fixed: changing the type of a column in the data
editor was broken
- fixed: quitting while a plugin was still active
would sometimes crash rkward
- new shortcuts for window navigation:
next/previous window, activate console, activate
command log, etc.
- new functions rk.describe.alternative () and
rk.print.literal () for use in plugins
- new plugin: Phillips-Perron test
- new plugin: Mood test
- new plugins: CLT plots for most distributions
- new plugins: variance tests (F test (var.test),
Bartlett test, Fligner test)
- new plugin: generic plot
- new plugin: Add grid to plot
- new plugin: pareto chart
- new plugin: stem-and-leaf plot
- make readline dialog store last size and
- new plugins: outlier tests (chisq.out.test,
dixon.test, grubbs.test, outlier)
- support R's mechanism for checking the C stack
limits (only with R 2.3.x or greater, and not on
all platforms)
- new plugins: support of all tests from moments
- several new help pages
- better error handling in PHP backend
- fixed: depending on some buffer sizes, plugins
could get stuck while generating code
- fixed: plugin browser type="dir" would not work
- import SPSS and import CSV plugins gain option
to open object for editing, automatically (checked
by default)
- warn when opening very large objects (with more
than 250000 fields; this limit is configurable)
- add a "copy" tag to facilitate writing plugins
with both dialog and wizard interfaces
- fixed: graph previews would stop working when
the interface is switched from dialog to wizard or
vice versa
- new options for plugin dialogs: Configure
whether code display is shown by default, and at
what size

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