ljKlient 0.1.117

Henrik Pauli ralesk at muszaki.info
Thu Apr 5 21:01:19 CEST 2007

Name: ljKlient
Version: 0.1.117
Type: Web Application
Depend: PyKDE/PyQt
License: GPL
Homepage: http://sf.net/projects/ljklient
More Info:

 ljKlient is a KDE LiveJournal client.  It
currently offers most journal-entry-creating
options accepted by LJ (such as backdating,
choosing another usericon, adding tags etc.).

It is written in Python, using PyKDE3.  As far as
I know, it requires Python 2.4 and PyKDE 3.1x.

 Version 0.1.117 (2007-04-05)
[indent]+ Audacious support (thanks to
[indent]* Gave up on the nice English originals
for now, due to a bug in SIP, PyQt, PyKDE or
something like that.  No curly apostrophes and
proper ellipses for you, ha![/indent]
[indent]* Fixed preview reload bug.[/indent]
[indent]* Fixed sorting of userpics: now it’s
supposed to be case insensitive
[indent]+ Also collated properly, if I'm
[indent]+ Did add some collation support to the
taglist though.
[indent]- Some minor issues, see comment in

Version 0.1.107 (2007-03-03)
  + Nice new tint in friend list viewer on the
sorted column
  + You can drag a friend to the editor, it'll
create an lj user tag
  * Fixed the getting stuck behaviour and we now
    destroy all child windows before we exit.

Version 0.1.100 (2007-02-25)
  + Kaffeine support too
  + Friend list viewer
  + With colours!
  - Please close it before closing ljKlient

// More in the ChangeLog file!

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