kio_mtp 0.0.1

Giuseppe Iannello doctorzoidberg at
Tue Apr 3 12:33:39 CEST 2007

Name: kio_mtp
Version: 0.0.1
Type: Hardware Utility
Depend: KDE 3.2.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 ioslave for mtp devices.

extract in a directory, cd into it then
$ gmake -f Makefike.cvs
$ ./configure
$ make && sudo make install

restart kdeinit with "kdeinit" then connect the
device, fire up konqueror, wait some seconds for
the device to settle, type "mtp:/" in the address
bar, enjoy.

this is an ALPHA release, thrown in the wild just
for _testing_
it is able _only_ to list files. no
upload/download to/from the device.
your data should be safe, but BACKUP THEM, don't
complain if this kioslave kills your cat.

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