[Kde-announce-apps] Piklab 0.8

Nicolas Hadacek hadacek at kde.org
Sun May 7 19:18:03 CEST 2006

Name: Piklab
Version: 0.8
Type: Development Environment
Depend: KDE 3.3.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://piklab.sourceforge.net/
More Info:

 Piklab is an integrated development environment
for applications based on PIC and dsPIC
microcontrollers. The Small Device C Compiler, the
GNU PIC Utilities, the PICC compilers, the PIC30
toolchain, the ICD2 debugger, the PICkit1 and
PICkit2 programmers, and most direct programmers
are supported. It also includes a command line

 * add support for 16F716, 16HV785, and 16F87/88
with PICkit2
 * add action button for memory ranges
 * add option to preserve data eeprom and to blank
check after erase
 * icd2 debugging: fix STATUS/FSR/PCL/PCLATH
read/write + add WREG/PC/STATUS/bank in status bar
 * icd2 debugging: disable watchdog timer
 * several fixes for hex editor
 * add checksum computation (with command-line
 * add option to set user id to unprotected
 * add read-only/read-write toggle to editors
 * only display first and last banks for 18C/F
chips (too slow otherwise...)
 * fix dsPICS programming with ICD2 [thanks to
Laurent Pinchard]
 * fix calibration programming for baseline
 * add option to run tools with wine
 * add "advanced" dialog to programmers (firmware
version + voltages)
 * add manual firmware uploading for ICD2 (with
command-line too)

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