[Kde-announce-apps] ObsidianMusic 2.0.3

Ryan Ryan Loebs obsidianx at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 07:19:49 CEST 2006

Name: ObsidianMusic
Version: 2.0.3
Type: Sound Application
License: GPL
Homepage: http://amarokwebfront.sf.net/
More Info:

 At last! I\'ve finished the next version of the
amaroK Web Frontend and it\'s GOT A NEW NAME!

It\'s still the old amaroK Web Frontend but 
completely rewritten and with MUCH cleaner code.

I hope you enjoy this new version and I look
forward to any feedback you might have.


 New translations:
 * Italian
 * Dutch

Thanks to the translators!

(See CHANGELOG in the release)

I'll be releasing patches now along with the full
source in each release from now on so people with
the script don't need to extract the entire thing
over again.  Mind you you WILL need to have the
version below the one you're patching to for the
patch to work. (I'll start naming the patches
2.0->2.0.1 for example)

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