KStars build failure

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at kde.org
Mon Aug 5 07:40:44 BST 2019

On Mon, Aug 5, 2019 at 2:34 PM Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com> wrote:
> Hello folks,

Hi Jasem,

> Looks like the problems in compiling KStars on Android were recently fixed by a PR. However, now the build process is failing elsewhere:
> https://binary-factory.kde.org/job/KStars_android/406/
> Any ideas what is causing this?

I've traced this down to the Android SDK expecting/requiring the
~/.profile file to be loaded in order to setup the environment.

When Jenkins launches a container and then connects via SSH this
doesn't happen because it runs the Jenkins agent command directly -
and doesn't invoke a login shell as a result. We worked around this
for 32-bit launches by forcing the Jenkins launch process to prepend
"bash --login -c" to it's launch command.

I've now applied that workaround to the 64-bit builds as well and have
started all the builds again and it appears to have solved the issue.

As a side note, at the moment Android builds are highly dependent on
Java tooling being able to fetch a number of dependencies as part of
each build (which places load on outside parties, and makes them a
point of failure that can break our builds). A number of the rebuilds
I started fell over due to this. Do we have any options for caching
these artifacts to minimize the load and dependence we have on outside
systems for our builds?


> --
> Best Regards,
> Jasem Mutlaq

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