Mobile components and convergence
Thomas Pfeiffer
thomas.pfeiffer at
Mon Mar 28 02:23:34 UTC 2016
On Sonntag, 27. März 2016 00:10:56 CEST you wrote:
> I've tried Kirigami components and QQC 2 and have to say they are still
> far behind the nice look&feel qml-material currently provides :( I think the
> best we can do now is discuss what is required to take Kirigami to
> production level. Do we have a full visual language specification from VDG?
> Do we keep track of how much of that was already implemented in Kirigami?
> Are we pushing that forward enough? I see no projects for that in our GSoC
> 2016 ideas page :) Should we move that discussion to plasma-devel?
Well, Kirigami isn't even officially released yet, so of course there is still a
lot of work to do. We have found that the best way to bring Kirigami forward
is in direct collaboration with applications using it, the best example for
that being Subsurface-mobile where both sides benefited tremendously from that
There are no Kirigami projects in our GSoC ideas page because, to be quite
honest, we haven't had too many positive experiences with GSoC when it comes
to projects that need continued contribution. GSoC works great for things
which can be fully implemented in three months and need minimal maintenance
afterwards. Anything that has a longer perspective is difficult, because we
never know if GSoC students will stick with us afterwards.
So, from our perspective, the best approach is:
Try using it, and report any problems you find or features you're missing back
to us so we can improve Kirigami together.
The Kirigami Human Interface Guidelines are still in their infancy as well,
but will grow now that we've proven in practice that our basic ideas work and
are confident to write them down.
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