KDE / Plasma accessibility report

Shervin Emami shervin.emami at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 00:19:57 BST 2021

Thanks for the update Chrys, that's sounding good :-)

Shervin Emami.

On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 8:29 AM chrys <chrys at linux-a11y.org> wrote:

> Howdy List,
> well, some time has passed since my last report about KDE / Plasma
> accessibility.
> here i wanna give you a quick overview what happend, whats work starts
> aaand whats currently in pipe.
> What happened?
> KDE Default Start menu is now completely accessible: in Plasmas most
> current version 5.21, the start menu was completely rewritten. Also with
> keyboard only navigation and accessibility in mind. it works quite
> awesome here. The two alternatives what come along with an default KDE /
> Plasma are completly accessible as well. the alternatives cover just
> different layouts like an fullscreen overlay (like gnome shell) and an
> more traditional menu (like mate).
> Klipper is accessible: Klipper, the KDE clipboard manager is accessible
> now and bound to an shortcut (in next plasma release). this gives you
> access to your clipboard history. so you can paste stuff you copied some
> time ago. so you can copy "A", paste (or not) it somewhere, copy "B",
> and go back to "A" when needed.
> Whats in Pipe?
> currently are patches ready for testing to make the tray icons
> accessible and keyboard navigate able. you should be able to focus any
> entry in your tray area. you can find the patches here:
> https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-workspace/-/merge_requests/770
> Huge thanks to Carl Swan here, for his nice talk in IRC and its hard
> engagement to make a free world more open.
> Whats planned?
> we just started to verify the KCM - KDE Control Modul to make it
> completely accessible. this might take some time, but will result in
> give you the complete power of your control panel. currently its just
> partial accessible. this should be a huge step to have KDE fully
> accessible.
> the great thing. not only me. but the whole KDE Community is seriously
> interested in having KDE software fully accessible. this is more
> important IMO than just have one or two persons working on accessibility
> and will warranty, great accessibility in future.
> they just switched the git infrastructure to gitlab, that gives better
> accessibility than the previously used phabricator platform as well.
> still its not ready for per day usage but, there is a hell lot of very
> nice stuff happening. Also if its not done over night, but will result
> in some very cool alternative for you all!
> I might try to report more often to the current happenings in future.
> Wanna Help? Are there any bloggers out there? Or interested in write
> some text about progress and happenings? It would be cool if we could
> highlight those changes more often and detailed to the public to share
> the progress. Maybe you wanna contact me.
> cheers chrys
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