AT-SPI 2.33.1

Michael P. Gorse mgorse at
Wed May 22 04:32:53 BST 2019

AT-SPI 2.33.1 is now available for download at:

What is AT-SPI2

AT-SPI2 is a D-Bus based accessibility framework. It defines a D-Bus
protocol for providing and accessing application accessibility
information. The project includes a library for bridging the D-Bus
protocol to the ATK API, allowing Gtk based applications to be made
accessible. It also contains a client (AT) side library in C and a wrapper
for Python.

What's changed in AT-SPI 2.33.1

* Add atspi_accessible_get_accessible_id.

* Add atspi_text_notify_reading_position.

* [core] Check for an actual X11 session before calling X. This will be needed
   for Mutter in the future because checking $DISPLAY is not sufficient,
   and xwyland could be automatically started when it isn't wanted.

* [core] Fix meson build for meson 0.50.0.

* Document atk_bridge_adaptor_init error messages.

* Add atk_bridge_set_event_context.

* [pyatspi] Fix arguments in text.addSelection.

* [pyatspi Fix default kind value for registerKeystrokeListener.

* [pyatspi] Document that extents are only meaningful when the accessible is
   both visible and showing.

* [pyatspi] Fix print usage in example, for python 3 compatibility.

Where can I get more information about AT-SPI2

The project wiki is available at:

How can I contribute to AT-SPI2?

We need help testing with Gnome accessibility technologies, improving
performance, and generally tying up loose ends.  The above-referenced page
contains a list of known issues that should be fixed.

IRC   : #a11y on Gimpnet
E-Mail: accessibility-atspi at

Development repositories can be found at:

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