KDE 5.14

chrys at linux-a11y.org chrys at linux-a11y.org
Mon Oct 15 09:07:20 BST 2018

Howdy Christoph,

thanks for your reply :).

> From a quick look, I did not see code changes that could affect  
> accessibility in Kickoff launcher
Thanks a lot for your investigation here.
Hmm maybe i just recognied it with that updated and it was already  
broken bevore then. i typical use the "application overview"  
alternative insteed of the "application starter" (what works in most  
maybe its also just broken for me (also if i dont think so because the  
other alternatives are able to talk here), but thats why i asked for  
confirmation :).

> and I did not find a bug report either.
i dont think there is one currently. i didnt open once yet, since i  
wanted a confirmation bevore flooding issue trackers.
I also dont think another opened one. its an chicken egg issue. blind  
people cannot (yet! ;) ) fully work with plasma so they cannot  
complain about stuff. (because they dont know what is on the screen to  
thats why I currently test the default components of Plasma to allow  
them to initaly work with plasma.
I switched after installation to "Application Overview", maybe this is  
why i didnt recognize the issue until now.

> Could you please describe exact steps to reproduce the difference to  
> the previous version?
what distro are you using?
1. Install orca, speech-dispatcher, espeak and brltty. (the  
screenreader components)
on ArchLinux: sudo pacman -S orca
on debian: sudo apt-get install gnome-orca
on fedora: sudo dnf install orca
2. restart your computer (to be sure)
3. login into plasma
4. press the shortcut to start orca Win-Alt-S (to disable orca just  
press this shortcut again or kill the process "orca")
-> you will hear a "Screenreader On" message spoken by espeak TTS. if  
not something is wrong (but most it works OOTB).
5. open kicker and arrow arround in "Application Starter" alternative.
Result: only the search box is spoken here when the menu opens but not  
the entries when i arrow around
Expect: orca should read the element under the cursor when arrowing around
Additional: If i change the Alternative to "application menu" or  
"application overview" orca speaks the current selected element just  
fine here. I _assume_ it issues somehow with the search box.

OOT: somehow i didnt get all the messages from the list. i have to  
fiugre why. i found this answer just on
but not in my inbox/ spam folder.

cheers chrys

On 14.10.2018 17:12, chrys wrote:
>> I just did an update to current KDE/ Plasma 5.14 stable on my ArchLinux
>> machine.
>> after that i recognized two accessibility regressions here:
>> - Kicker is only accessible if it is not set to "alternative"
>> Application starter. only Application menu and application overview are
>> accessible
> From a quick look, I did not see code changes that could affect  
> accessibility in Kickoff launcher, and I did not find a bug report  
> either. Could you please describe exact steps to reproduce the  
> difference to the previous version?
>> - I cannot navigate the desktop icons with my Arrow keys anymore. (this
>> is also useful to non blind people)
> Broken keyboard navigation on the desktop is indeed a regression in  
> Plasma 5.14.0. It is fixed in Plasma 5.14.1 to be release this week.
> More information at https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=399566
>> can someone confirm this issues or its only me?
>> cheers chrys
> -- 
> Christoph Feck
> KDE Bug Triaging Team
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